Chapter 14: Height of Imperialism

White man's burden

belief of the Europeans that it was their responsibility to civilize primitive people of the world

indirect rule

type of colonial government in which local leaders were left in positions of power; cheaper and easier


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class


African tribe known for its military skill and organizaiton


process in which a stronger nation takes over and run a weaker one as a colony usually

social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle. Used as a reason to justify imperialism


only state in South East Asia that remains free from colonial rule


first started as British trading colony in SE Asia, becomes important naval base.


area that included Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia. Run by the French until after WWII

extraction economy

economic system based on removing natural resources from a colony for use back home to create finished products.

resistance groups

people who tried to get rid of the imperialist rulers like France and Britain; included peasants & wealthy, ruling class

urban middle class

new resistance groups who were usually educated in western style schools.


country, whose colony in Africa, started the scramble to take over the continent

David Livingstone

a missionary from Scotland, traveled with a group of Africans deep into Central Africa to promote Christianity

Berlin Conference

meeting of European powers to make rules for taking over Africa


in 1900 remained one of two free states in African after defeating Italy


descendants of the original Dutch settlers in the Cape colony in southern Africa


another name for the Boers

Cecil Rhodes

founder of the De Beer's mining company; he provides the spark that leads to the Boer War

Union of South Africa

self governing state belonging to the British made up of Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and the Transvaal

guerrilla warfare

type of fighting in which soldiers use swift hit-and-run attacks against the enemy


Laws (no longer in effect) in South Africa that physically separated different races into different geographic areas.


Feelings of loyalty to individual tribes, and the cause of much war and strife in modern Africa.


colony that became the Crown Jewel of the British Empire


soldiers hired by the British East India Company to protect the trading posts

Great Mutiny of 1857

mutiny of sepoy soldiers due to British disrespect of Indian culture


person appointed to run the colony in the name of the monarch


local officials used by the British to collect taxes in India

Indian National Congress (INC)

formed by Indians, no matter religion or social class, to work for changes in the British run government of their country


industry in India that British colonization ruled


leader of independence movement in India; used non-violent methods

political parties

organized by new African middle class to try to end foreign rule in their land


first nation in Latin America to gain indepedence


leader of the slave revolt in Hispaniola


group of European descent but born in the colony; are the ones with money; come to resent the ruling class from the mother countries

Napoleonic Wars

weaken the Spanish & Portuguese control over the colonies in Latin America

Miguel Hidalgo

led mestizos & natives in revolt against Mexico on Sept. 16. created Mexico's independence date.

Simon Bolivar

one of leaders of the revolutions that free Central and South America from colonial rule

British navy

the real enforcer of independence in Latin America


strong leaders who used military rule & support of the wealthy land owners to run new nations in Latin America


the basic facilities and services that support a community such as railroads and telegraph

Monroe Doctrine

Issued by US president warning the countries of Europe to stay out of the business in the Western Hemisphere

Suez Canal

the completion of this in Egypt led to the British conquest of Egypt


This Indian author won the Nobel Peace Prize and was also a spiritual leader, teacher, philosopher, singer & painter