French Revolution, French Revolution


This country led to the downfall of Napoleon

Old Regime

Social Class system in pre-revolutionary France

The Declaration of the Rights of Man

This legal document attempted to give all citizens of France more Liberty imitating the American Declaration of Independence

Marie Antoinette

The French Queen from Austria; despised by tmemebers of the third estate in France for her indulgent and lavish lifestyle & representing all that was wrong in France

July 20,1789 pledge by the third estate proclaimed it the sovereign power of France while promising to create a constitution resulted in the creation of the National Assembly

Tennis Court Oath

American Revolution

Revolution financed and supported by Louis XVI as revenge against his enemies; sent France into enormous debt and inspired the revolution for freedom and equality in France

Storming of the Bastille

symbol of the tyranny of the Old Regime; the prison was sacked for the gun-powder stored there and the guards killed and beheaded

Committee of Public Safety

This small group, led by Robespierre, oversaw the Reign of Terror


This was the first country to rebel against Napoleon's rule. He placed his brother on the throne, created opportunity for revolution in latin America

the Continental System

Napoleon created this economic alliance in 1806 that sought to destroy Britain's trade with Continental Europe via a naval blockade of Europe.

Napoleonic Code

uniform code of laws-separate church and state; freedom of religion; equality of all; strenghtened the family patriarchy


Occurring in 1815, this was the last battle of the Napoleonic Wars and the demis of Napoleon's rule/power

Congress of Vienna

Negotiations for the end of the Napoleonic Wars occurred at this 1814-1815 convention.

The National Assembly

This was the first national government of the French Revolution: 1789-1791 that wanted a constitutional monarchy in France

Great Fear

panic in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion.

Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

Proclaimed that all male citizens were created equal

Committee of Public Safety

12 member group that had absolute power to try and control the Revolution


Oligarchal structure of government post Reign of Terror

deficit spending

Spending more money than is taken in


The wealthiest members of the Third Estate


A feeling of pride in and intense devotion to, one's country

Reign of Terror

Radical Phase that left many dead via the National Razor


Architect of the Reign of Terror


Overthrew the Directory and crowned himself Emperor in 1804

King Louis XVI

Beheaded for treason against the country of France

First Estate


Second Estate


Third Estate

Peasants and Middle Class; paid majority of taxes

Causes of French Revolution

Rising Bread Prices, debt, war, social class system, unfair taxes

Estates General

Disbanded when the National Assembly was created


national razor-used heavily in the Reign of Terror