Midievil Europe - Part II Multiple Choice

What was the characteristic of feudalism?

Land was exchanged for military service and obligations

The European Feudal System had a Social class

King Nobles, Knights, Peasants

The European Feudal System was supported by

the labor of the peasants

Chivalry in Medievil Erope was most similar to

Japanese code of bushido

European medievil knights and Japanese samurai warriors pledged oaths of

Loyalty to their military leader

In Western Europe, the Middle Ages began after the collapse of

The Roman Empire

Increasing food production by letting some farmland remain unplanted is called

The three-field system

The difference in thinking between these two 12th century people, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and Pope Gregory VII shows

Popes and monarchs sometimes challenged each other's authority

In a typical Feudal Manor

Churches could be located within the manor, indicating that religion played a significant role.

In a typical Feudal Manor

The property contained everything they needed, making them self-sufficient

The influence of medievil Christianity and Islam on religious society

was a way of life that governed people from birth to death

In Western Europe the decline of trade, breakdown of central government and the rise in power of the Roman Catholic Church

caused the Fall of Rome

Under the Church's domain

its power was so great that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny

In medievel Europe, religious themes

were usually in art, music and philosophy

The church had considerable political power

because "The Peace of God" declared that feudal warfare could not take place on church property and it promised sanctuary in churches and abbeys to fugitives from combat. The truce of God forbade fighting from Wednesday evening until Monday morning and on


an economic system in Eurpoe the existed duing the Middle Ages

During medievil Europe towns and cities developed because of

increases in trade and commerce

Which revolution in Europe is most closely associated with the rise of capitalism, the formation of guilds and the growth of banking systems?


The terms masters, apprentices and journeymen are most closely associated with the

Guild system of Europe in the Middle ages

During the feudal period in Europe, power and position in society were based on the

amount of land possessed

Europes natural resources included seas, rivers that provided trading highways, power and food. Other natural resources included

Forests, fertile soil and rich minerals

New agricultural technologies in the Middle Ages led to

Increased food production AND the creatin of the farmer's guilds.

Which gropu made up the largest population in feudal society?


Which institution served as the primary unifying force in medievil Western Europe

The church

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Church provided a sense of stability, unity and order