Industrial Revolution: Review Questions

Where did the industrial Revolution begin and where did it spread?

England and spread to Western Europe and United states

What is the Industrial Revolution

Important changes in the way people lived and worked took place

What is the british Enclosure Movement and what was relationship of movement to revolution

common public lands used for grazing animals began to be fenced off into individual plots and benefited wealthy landholders, while small landholders lost their land and livelihood. Causing them to move to cities and become laborers operating machines

Advancements in what helped produce the Industrial Revolution


What was the Agricultural Revolution

Helped create population explosion, since women were healthier and stronger medical care improved

What was the energy Revolution

People began to use giant water wheels to power new machines using coal to power steam engines

England was rich in what natural rescources which allowed it to be the origin of the industrial revolution?

Coal and Iron Ore

Agricultural economics were based on what?

Family unit

What was the cottage industry?

In the period before the industrial revolution, the production of goods in the homes

The rise of the factory system led to the demise (end of) what?

Family based cottage

How did James watt impact the industrial revolution?

Steam engine; replaced water power as a means of driving machines

How did Henry Bessemer impact the industrial revolution?

Process of making steel; convert cheap steel into high-grade steel

Name three industries that played important roles in the growth of the Industrial Revolution?

Cotton, Textile, Iron and steel

Who invented the Cotton Gin?

Eli Whitney

How did the Cotton Gin impact slavery

Made demand for slave labor on plantations

Who invented the spinning Jenny

James Hargreaves

What is urbanization

movement of large number of people to cities

One impact of the Industrial revolution on the industrialized countries was the growth of what class of people?

Middle class

One of the social effects of the industrial revolution was women increasing their demands for what right?

suffrage which was a social effect of the revolution

One impact of the Industrial revolution on industrialized countries was improvements in what?

Transportation forms such as railroads, steamboats, and later automobiles

What were the working conditions in the factories like? What did the working class think of these working conditions?

Harsh, dissatisfaction of the working class with conditions

Men competed with what two groups for wages?

Women and children

How did child labor impact the cost of production and profits?

Keep cost of production and profit high

What two groups entering the workplace as cheap labor was one of the social effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Women and children

The industrial revolution had a significant impact on structure and function of what unit?


Why could the owners of the factories and mines exercise a lot of control over the lives of their workers?

owners owned houses and where workers live

What impact did the industrial revolution have on the standard of living in industrialized countries?

Leisure time was expanding in both middle and working class

What was the impact of the industrial revolution on education?

Free education became available and girls would now attend school

What did unions hope to improve?

wages and working conditions

Unions encouraged what in an attempt to increase wages and improve working conditions?


For what did unions lobby?

Laws to improve lives of the workers; including women and childrean

Unions wanted what between labor and management

workers right and collective bargain

What was the impact of the industrial revolution on the environment?

Pollution; garbage in the streets, water was contaminated by sewage causing disease

What did Edward Jenner develop?

Smallpox vaccine

What did louis Pasteur discover?


What was the impact of the industrial revolution on child labor laws?

Social; laws were passed to limit the number of hours that children could work

What impact did the industrial revolution have on population?

increase in population and doubled between 1400 and 1700 to grow over 350 million

What is Capitalism?

economic system which land, and factories used in making goods are operated by individuals making profit

How does market competition play a role in capitalism?

voluntary exchange in free market and not planned or controlled

Who wrote the wealth of nations? What did this work support?

Adam Smith and supported capitalism and market competition

With capitalism, there was dissatisfaction with what?

Poor working conditions and unequal distribution of wealth in society

Did wealth positively impact everyone within the capitalist system?

No only some while others continued in poverty

What is an entrepreneur? How did the entrepreneurs impact capitalism?

People who start new business ventures and created fast growing businesses

What class of people grew as a result of capitalism?

Middle Class

What produced socialism and communism?

Social dislocations associated with capitalism produced range of economic and political ideas

What is Socialism

Social and political system which governments own means of production

What is Communism

government owns means of production and control economic planning

Who wrote the communist Maifesto? What was the work about?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels work was about theories of society and economy

Who wrote Das Capital? What was the work about?

Karl Marx work was about how history is divided into four staged

With socialism and communism, there was an importance of redistribution of what to the communists?

Wealth of the communists

what did the owners of mines and factories sacrifice?

working conditions for profits and increased production

Who was richard Arkwright?

made a machine that used to power to power weaving machines

What was the book written by Jacob Riis, exposing horrible work and living conditions in New York?

How the other half lives

Who invented the Seed Drill?

Jethro Tull

What industry was first impacted by the revolution?
