Weimar Republic

1919- 1933
The new German republic the in 1921 owed 33 billion annually to the allied reparations commission. In order to recover from its severe economic issues the annual fees were reduced each year depending on the level of German economic prosperity and Germany received large loans each year from the United States.

der fuhrer

Hitler: "der fuhrer" named the leader 1-30-33


March 23, 1933: ENABLING ACT: outlaws the constitution giving the Nazis unlimited power &
transferred legislative power to Hitler and his cabinet and allowed him to suspend parts of the Weimar constitution; enabled Hitler to get rid of the Reichstag parliament and pass laws without reference to parliament

takeover of media, ideology blended with terror, takes out the opposition, limits jews power in society


no war reparation payments, general anti- Semitism, other countries weren't willing to go to war, and the US and GB thought the treaty of Versailles was too rough.



LEBENTRAUN: hitler's foreign policy on needing "living room

Why was Hitler and the NAZI party successful?

Fear, involvement of youth, pro- Nazi videos, religious ties, nationalistic, "we are your last defense against communism


An agreement in 1938 that attempted to prevent large-scale war by granting German chancellor Adolf Hitler his demand for control over the Sudetenland, a German-populated region bordering Czechoslovakia. Instead it verified Hitler's theory that the West would not interfere in eastern Europe, gave him time to rebuild an army, an emboldened him to continue the invasions - beginning with Czechoslovakia just months later - that led to WWII.

Nazi- soviet act of non-aggression

1939: Nazi- soviet act of non-aggression- stalin and hitler meet and agree not to fight and that they will spilt Poland

September 1, 1939

Poland is invaded; blitzkrieg fighting forces England to declare war


AUGUST 1940: BATTLE OF BRITAIN, last stronghold against hitler
(FDR) 1940, German air forces invaded Britain but the British Royal Air Force drove them out with the help of the new invention radar that let them know where the German planes were


Germany is Over Europe

June 6, 1944

D-Day; Normandy. a collection of forces, D-Day, (D-Day) It is the turning point in war in Europe. It is very costly but successful. 5 beaches of Normandy coastline are hit. Gen. Eisenhower is in complete charge but he is in London. Field Marshal Montgomery is given temporary control of ground troops. Gen. Bradley for American troops and Montgomery for British troops. Successful invasion becomes beginning of the end of Axis powers. Hitler commands the German commander in Paris to destroy the city, but he refuses to do so.

April 30, 1945

hitlers suicide

May 7, 1945

Germany commits suicide, Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies


forms the league of nations
The soviets get east Germany, Bulgaria and Romania
US/ France/ Britain get west Germany,
Land re-distrubition
Divide of Germany causes the cold war


States that it is the US responsibility to aid in any situation where poeple are starving, having their freedom taken from them.


European recovery program, U.S. invests 13 billion dollars into the re-building West Germany

Eastern Bloc

Yugoslovia, Soviet ruled their lands

NATO 1949

NATO 1949 was the Atlantic Treaty Organization.
If one NATO nation is attacked, the other countries will attack as well.

STALIN'S response

warsaw pact


millitart treaty between Albania, Bulgaria, Chechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union.
Stalin abuses the other countries' millitaries and the pact is dissolved years later.

1951 European Coal and Steel Community

6 countries, free trade to re-build Europe, turns into THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY; more countries included, more political markets, more power turns it into European Union.
o First step in Euro integration
rebuild European economies after WWII
Foster political cooperation through economic integration


1961: BERLIN WALL: built by stalin to prevent people from leaving east Germany to the free economic more prosperous west Germany. Destroyed in 1989- 1990