Rome 6.2


Huge estates owned by wealthy families

What problems did Roman expansion cause in the republic?

*Created huge social gaps between the wealthy and commoners,
*Small farmers could not compete with large estates so some sold their lands to the wealthy and became homeless and jobless
*Urban poor class grew rapidly and was totaled as 1/4 of Romes populat

What were the seeds to Republic's collapse?

Corruption among the rich, discontent among the slaves and resentment among the poor. Class tension.


A group of three rulers

Civil war

A war between people of the same country.

Julius Caesar

100-44 BC. Roman general who ended Roman Republic. Conquered Gaul with his powerful army. Made himself Roman dictator in 46 BC. Assassinated by Brutus and others in 44 BC because he was too powerful.

absolute ruler

one who has total power

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Two brothers who served as Roman tribunes who tried to address Rome's problems by creating frame for poor Roman and selling food cheaply to poor citizens. Both were killed-people began to see violence as a political weapon.

What happened after the death's of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Total Civil War occurred and many tried to gain power and leadership of Rome. Strong military leaders rose by competing with others and bought loyalty from mercenaries, this was a change from the past from soldiers who were only loyal to the republic. Eve


(adj.) acting or working for self-gain only; (n.) a hired soldier, a soldier of fortune

What was the characteristics that made Julius Caesar so successful

he was a a strong leader and a genius at war strategies
He was able to win his mens loyalty because he fully shared the hardships of war
he also became very successful with the people because of his military conquest

What caused Caesar's downfall?

As Caesar's power grew, many senators and nobles began to acknowledge and fear it, some even considered him as a tyrant. Sooner or later two senators Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius and a group of senators led an assassination of Julius Caesar.

What reforms did Caesar make after being elected as forever dictator?

He granted citizenship to many people in the provinces
He expanded the senate, adding friends and supporters from Italy and the provinces.
He helped the poor by creating jobs, especially through the construction of new public buildings
he started colonies

What happened after Caesar's Death?

More competition for power arose, the second triumvirate occurred, civil wars broke up and left Rome to one unchallenged ruler, Octavian who later accepted the name of Augustus.


Part of the second triumvirate whom the power eventually shifted to. Assumed the name Augustus Caesar, and became emperor. Was the end of the Roman Republic and the start of the Pax Romana.

Second triumvirate

Mark Antony (Experienced General), Lepidus (politician) and Octavian (Caesar's adopted son)

Pax Romana

The "Roman Peace", that is, the state of comparative concord prevailing within the boundaries of the Roman Empire from the reign of Augustus (27 B.C.E.-14 C.E.) to that of Marcus Aurelius (161-180 C.E.)

What was the success of the Roman empire based on?

A Strong economy based on agriculture and trade
Superb organization and governing skills
peaceful transfer between successors


Only ruled for four years, mentally unstable. He had an affair with his sister and named them both as Gods. He also named his horse a consul. (Assassinated)


Roman Emperor notorious for his monstrous vice, persecution of Christians and fantastic luxury (was said to have started a fire that destroyed much of Rome in 64) but the Empire remained prosperous during his rule (37-68) Suicide


Roman emperor from 81 AD to 96 AD. He was the last emperor of the Flavian dynasty. He was the brother of Titus and is well known for revamping the currency in Rome and fixing up the damages in Roman cities. Domitian was assassinated by court officials.

Marcus Aurelius

Brought empire to height of economic prosperity
Defeated invaders
wrote philosophy

Roman Roads

allowed for better military transportation and facilitated trade throughout their empire. Cities grew larger and more powerful. Appian Way, 53,000 miles make up all the Roman roads, User-contributed everyone could share supplies, 55,000miles of roads, com


Stabilized the frontier
Built many public buildings
set up a civil service
created a system of government that survived for centuries
allowed plebeians and former slaves to take on administrative roles
Even though throughout the history of Rome, there wer


discipline, strength and loyalty


trained fighters, usually slaves, who fought in arenas as entertainment

Bread and Circuses

this term refers to policies designed to prevent unrest by keeping people happy and thus deflecting concern about troubling issues.


low social class people who raced for entertainment. Public figures admired for their accomplishments

What was family life like in the Roman Empire?

The Father had absolute rule over all family members
The women ran the household and were given authority and respect / nearly social equals with men, could own property and testify in court, couldn't vote
boys over girls
Few children went to school

What was religion like in the Roman empire

government and religion were linked
deities were symbols of the state
honored in both public and private worship (Jupiter Juno etc.)
Emperor worship became part of official religion of Rome.
By 180 A.D. some religion of Asia took hold.

Describe the Roman Republic

It rose out of the overthrow of the Roman monarchy around 500 BC with a government headed by two consuls who checked each other and were also advised by a senate. Checks and balances were put into place to keep excessive political power from the hands of

Compare the Roman and American republics

Some similarities were...
* three divisions of power: executive branch (consuls), Legislative Branch (senate and assemblies), Judicial branch (praetors)
* each had a legal code: Roman Twelve Tables was similar to the Bill of Rights but it only protected f

civic virtue

The dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community or country, even at the cost of their individual interests. The Founders thought civic virtue was important to make our government work properly. Civic virtue means that people should put

Provide examples of ways the republic addressed problems as it grew

Set up a balanced government with checks and balances, set up trade routes and roads, had lenient towards defeated enemies, neighbors were allowed to become full citizens, conquered people, then made them allies / suppliers.

Describe the roles of social groups: plebeians, patricians, women, slaves

Patricians : Nobles and the rich upperclass landowners--held most of the power. Inherited power and social status.
Plebeians : Farmers and lower class--citizens of Rome with the right to vote. However, they were barred by law from being able to hold most

Centuriate assembly

citizen soldiers; make laws; selects consuls; rule for life; patrician controlled

tribal assembly

citizens grouped according to where they live members for life elect tribunes and make laws


8 judges chosen for one year by CA, two oversee civil and criminal court, others government provinces

Twelve Tables

List of Rules that were the bases of Rome's legal system.


300 members chosen from Aristocrats and is for life, controls foreign and financial policies. Advises consul.


two consuls and is elected for one year, chief executives of the government and commander in chief of the army.


A military unit of the ancient Roman army, made up of about 5,000 foot soldiers and a group of soldiers on horseback.