Russian Revolution


The Romanovs ruled Russia from 1613-1917 with Mikhail Romanov leading Russia into a civilized era. Peter the Great began to westernize Russia. Catherine the great copied european art and architecture along with french culture. Alexander ll (reformer) indu

What was the condition of imperial Russia during the Czarist rule?

Before revolution went about Russia has been a backwards country for many years. Czars attempted economic reforms: giving people freedoms only brought demands for more changes to society. The population in 1917 was worker:4% and peasants: 84%. Nicholas II

what political and personal problems did nicholas II face in 1905?

Nicholas II wasn't a very good leader due to his lack of confidence (did not want to become czar thought he wasn't ready) and dependance on the army and bureaucracy to hold up his regime. The rapid industrialization, low standard of living and lack of pol

How did Russia's involvement in WW1 affect the fate of Nicholas and his citizens?

Russia was unprepared both military and technologically for the total war of ww1. Russian industries unable to produce the weapons needed for the army. Supplies and munitions were rarely at the places where they needed to be. Many soldiers trained using b

What events triggered bloody sunday? How did nicholas respond to it? What was the october manifesto?

When russia was badly beaten in war with japan (revolts by peasants, workers, sailors, non russians and intellectuals) opposition to the czarist regime finally exploded. On january 22, 1905 a massive procession of workers led by father Gapon (organized by


Nicholas heads to front lines to help in 1917. Leaves Alexandra in charge who had no experience in ruling but believed in an absolute monarchy. She trusted Rasputin because of how he possessed some inexplicable power over the Alexei and his deadly episode

describe the chain of events that brought about the abdication of the Czar in March 1917

Once Rasputin was killed this started the next revolution called the February/March revolution.
2/22/1917-Nicholas II leaves Petrograd to visit troops
2/23- international Women's day demonstration in Petrograd.
2/24- Massive strikes and demonstrations occ

February/March revolution

Spontaneous revolt when women in st. Petersburg protested because of food shortages. Various political reformist groups grew, protests became violent. Duma takes over control of police and army (moment rev. succeeds). New provisional government formed. Ni

what different groups are vying for power after march 1917.

The provisional government and the soviets (powerful group of 2000-3000 soldiers, workers, peasants and socialists intellectuals)


soviets are meetings where the peasants, soldiers and workers work together and discuss change. Very local. Representative council.They want end to war, higher wages, government oversight of industry, safer working conditions, enough bread to feed all

what was russia like before the February/March revolution

People resented dictatorship of nicholas and WW1. There was oppressed peasants and workers, unrest and riots. Also widespread inflation and famine due to WW1.

why were the bolsheviks able to seize power in october/november 1917

They we able to seize power because there was not true power in charge. Nicholas had abdicated at this point and was soon killed, the provisional government was very weak because mostly made up go middle and upper class people. Also the people had never b

what problems did lenin face after the revolution? How did he plan on solving these problems?

Not everyone liked communism. People fled from cities to the country because no food and politics disorder. No industry, no railway and no commerce. Lenin planned on solving these problems by installing the NEP which gave everyone an incentive to work and

when was the civil war in Russia? Who was involved? Consequences?

the civil war took place in 1918-1920. Communist/bolsheviks "reds" VS. moderate/ liberal socialists and supporter of a parliament government plus mix of other parties "whites". After civil war much of Russia was in ruins. Cities farms, factories destroyed

Why was lenin's NEP successful?

The NEP was a modified version of the old capitalist system. Peasants were allowed to sell their produce openly. Retail stores, as well as small industries that employed fewer than 20 workers, could be privately owned and operated. Heavy industry, banking

How did propaganda play a role in Lenin's ability to maintain control of Russia?

Propaganda reminded the people what they were working for and that sacrifice was necessary to achieve equality for all.

did the Bolsheviks Revolution achieve Marx's vision of a communist society?

No because the revolution was bloodless which was not not suppose to happen in marxism, it was suppose to bloody. Also instead of just working class revolution like in marxism, the peasants were included in this group of revolutionaries.

What challenges does the USSR face in 1924 with the death of Lenin?

When Lenin died, a power struggle began amongst the politburo's. Many people have different views about the future of Russia. Ultimately it comes down to the different beliefs of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky.

What were Stalin's economic programs? How did they impact the lives of ordinary soviets?

Stalins economic plan was the 5 year plans which purpose was to transform Russia virtually overnight from an agricultural into an industrial country. Little thought was given to caring for the expanded labor force in the cities. Number of workers increase

Describe Stalins leadership style. What motivated his actions? What were his goals? How were those around stalin impacted?

Stalin was a really unwilling to compromise which made him a ultimate dictator of Russia. He was motivated by his past peasantry life style because it made him aware of what it was like to be part of a lower class also he wasn't Russia so he had a chip on

Nicholas II

not strong leader (no confidence) was forced to abdicate due to his bad handle on the country. Many issues with Russia when he was in charge. Was murdered along with his family a year after he abdicated

Alexander Kerensky

Leader of Provisional government. Continued WW1 to preserve Russia's honor.

Vladimir Lenin

Leader of Bolsheviks. Was a radical communist who believed in equality for all and "peace, land bread". Edited marxism so that instead of just worker class in proletariat it was both working class and peasantry. Pulled Russia out do WW1. Created NEP which

Leon Trotsky

Russian revolutionary intellectual and close adviser to Lenin.Military genius. Helped win civil war. A leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), he was later expelled from the Communist Party (1927) and banished (1929) for his opposition to the authorita

Georgi Plekhanov

Leader of the Mensheviks.

Joseph Stalin

Part of Politburo. Won over Leon Trotsky when lenin died and power struggle began because of his ability to elect his friends and allies. Created dictatorship in which he established 5 year plan and collectivization. Believed in industrializing Russia to

Revolution of 1905

Russians badly beaten in war with Japan (revolts by peasants, workers, sailors, non-russians, and intellectuals). Bloody sunday- unarmed peasants led by father Gapon, marched to the winter palace demanding shorter work days, minimum wage, constitution for

Bloody sunday (1905)

Bloody sunday- unarmed peasants led by father Gapon, marched to the winter palace demanding shorter work days, minimum wage, constitution for Russia. Guards killed hundreds even though not ordered to shoot.


Russia= unprepared. not enough supplies (food, weapons, clothes). Army= poorly organized. Soldiers didn't understand why they were fighting. Poor leadership from Nicholas II


A political party that formed from communism. Liberal moderate socialist. socialist revolution would have to wait until proletariat had become larger and more powerful in Russia. non violent. evolutionary


A political party that formed from communism. Radical communist -peasants should lead the revolution now! led by lenin. Revolutionary. Violent. "peace, land bread


Made in the october manifesto because of bloody sunday. (1905) first parliament in Russia. Aimed to look after the interests of the people, but czar still had the power to veto its decisions and dismiss members. Communist leader Leon Trotsky still believe

october manifesto

The formation of the duma due to the after math of bloody sunday. (1905)


A system in which private farms were eliminated. Instead government owned all of the land, and the peasants worked it. Peasants resisted by hoarding crops and killing livestock which led to widespread famine killing millions. implicated by stalin.

five year plan

implicated by stalin. The purpose was to transform Russia from agricultural into an industrial country. Emphasized maximum production of military equipment and capital goods. The plan quadrupled the production of heavy machinery and doubled oil production

great purges

To achieve his goals, stalin strengthen his control over the party. Those who resisted were sent into fired labor camps in siberia. Stalins desire to make all decisions led to the removal of the old Bolsheviks. During this time, a reign of terror, stalin

constitutional democrat.


February/March revolution

Spontaneous revolt when women in st. Petersburg protested because of food shortages. Various political reformist groups grew, protests became violent. Duma takes over control of police and army (moment rev. succeeds). New provisional government formed. Ni


This is the "have nots" or middle class people. Lenin expanded it to be peasantry as well.


Lenin's versions of communism which is the same as communism but instead of proletariat just being worker class it also include peasantry.

Treaty of Brest- Litovsk

Treaty in which Russia lost substantial territory to the Germans. This ended Russian participation in the war. Lenin did this because he promised 'PEACE, land and bread" . These countries ended up getting independence.

Provisional government

In Feb./march revolution new provisional government takes over. Liberal government formed form duma. Led mostly by member of Mensheviks party, small number of radical bolsheviks. Led by alexander Kerensky. Believed in continuing the war to preserve Russia

Bolshevik Revolution

Bolsheviks popularity increased due to "peace, land, and bread". Bolsheviks oppose Russia's involvement in WW1. The worker peasant alliance- lenin gains control of soviets. Bolsheviks goals is to gain control of workers groups to overthrow provisional gov

Reds vs Whites

red (communists/ bolsheviks) VS whites (moderate liberal socialists and supporters of a parliamentary government/ mixed parties). Whites were also aided by outside countries such as britain, france, and us troops. Communist won due to Leon trotsky's milit


Lenin put this into action because he was a realistic man and knew that even though it strayed from communistic ways, people of Russia needed it. The NEP was a modified version of the old capitalist system. Peasants were allowed to sell their produce open

Constitutional democrats

liberal, wanted to reach a republic, self elected representatives, abide to follow rules of constitution, transition from capitalist t socialist economic system, government moderates businesses (prices). want to financially balance out society.


When civil war ended and communist came out victorious in 1921, Lenin renamed Russia Union of Soviet Socialist republic.

war communism

During civil war, war communism was used to ensure regular supplies to red army. The government controlled the banks and most industries, seized grain from peasants and centralized state administration under communist control. Take peasant surplus to mili