Chap 22 world history section 3 - The Enlightenment Spreads


Informal social gatherings at which writers, artists, philosophes, and others exchanged ideas

Denis Diderot

Philosopher who edited a book called the Encyclopedia.


set of books to which enlightenment thinkers contributed essays


Style of art with a grand, ornate (fancy) design


New Classical" -- after Baroque period, a revival of an earlier classical style, from classical Greece and Rome

Enlightened Despots

Rulers/Monarchs who embraced enlightenment ideas to strengthen their rules: included Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, and Joseph II

Fredrick the Great

Persian King during Enlightenment who reformed education and justice system; granted religious freedom ablolished torture, fails to end serfdom

A ruler is the first servant of the state

Famous quote by Frederick the Great.

Joseph II

Most radical king during Enlightenment, he allowed freedom of religion and abolished serfdom. HE ALLOWED FREEDOM OF RELIGION FOR SERFS AND ORDERED THAT SERFS BE PAID WITH CASH

Catherine the Great

Enlightenment ruler of russia; seeks to abolish capital punishment and torture but efforts fails, responds to peasants revolt by giving nobles more power over serfs.

Marie-Therese Geoffrin

Famous Salon hostess who ran most influential salons during the Enlightenment. Invited brilliant minds including Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, and Diderot.

Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding

developed many features of the modern novel


Classical composers of music during the enlightenment


The _____________ tried to ban enlightenment ideas because it believed the ideas were corrupt.