
Renaissance meaning


What is the Renaissance?

revival of Greek and Roman culture and creativity during the 1400-1500s

Where did the Renaissance start?


What caused the renaissance?

Trade with the Middle East caused city-states, and wealthy merchants, easy access to Greek and Roman culture


wealthy merchants who spend money on art


Renaissance artist painted the Sistine Chapel and carved the Statue of David

Leonardo da Vinci

Renaissance man, artist, inventor, writer, mathematician, painted the Mona Lisa and Last Supper


painter who brought the Italian Renaissance to Germany and drew the Rhino


Renaissance artist known for perspective, the Madonna and Child, School of Athens and the Marriage of the Virgin


Northern Renaissance playwright, author of Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, MacBeth


Christian humanist author of The Praise of Folly, making fun of merchants, priests and scholars

Sir Thomas More

Christian humanist author of Utopia, an ideal place


Renaissance author of The Prince, a guide book for princes to be effective rulers


emphasis on the importance of the individual, study the humanities (history, philosophy, literature)


non-religious, worldly

Printing Press

invented by Gutenberg, printed books faster than they could be handwritten


inventor of the printing press

Effects of the printing press

faster and cheaper books = more books = more literacy and reading = more knowledge and being able to make own interpretations

Effects of the Renaissance

leads to questioning the Church and the world around us, and exploring the world around us

Differences between Middle Ages and Renaissance

movement away from the Church, focus on the individual, time to be creative, more wealth, city states form

Italian art characteristics

Greek and roman clothes, realistic bodies, more emotion shown, subtle colors, used geometry and perspective, focus on individuals more than setting

Northern renaissance art characteristics

Drastic color from oil paints, lots of detail, focus on surroundings and detailed surroundings, less emotion, less perspective


(1386-1466) Sculptor. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo. His statues expressed an appreciation of the incredible variety of human nature.

Van Eyck

Flemish painter who was a founder of the Flemish school of painting and who pioneered modern techniques of oil painting (1390-1441)

Christian Humanism

A branch of humanism associated with northern Europe. Like their Italian counterparts, the Christian humanists closely studied classical texts. However, they also sought to give humanism a specifically Christian content. Christian humanists like Erasmus w


(1304-1374) Father of the Renaissance. He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization.


wrote The Courtier, sought to fashion the young gentleman into the courtly ideal, trained in physical, spiritual, intellectual and artistic pursuits

Miguel de Cervantes

Spanish writer best remembered for 'Don Quixote' which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form

Medici Family

powerful banking family who ruled Florence in the 1400s, patrons of the arts

Book of the Courtier

Written by Castiglione, this was a practical guide for the nobility at the court of Urbino. It embodies the highest ideals of Italian humanism: knowledge of languages and history, athleticism, military skills, musical skills, and chivalry.

Renaissance Man

someone who excels in many areas, including arts, academics, athletics, etc.