History Chapter 4 (SECTION 2)


French Protestants of the 1500's & 1600's

Henry IV

First Bourbon king of France, ruled 1589-1610, and converted to Catholicism from Calvinism to bring peace after the French Civil War. He passed the Edict of Nantes and was also assassinated in 1610.

Eddict of Nantes

Law issued by French King Henry IV in 1598 giving more religious freedom to french protestants

Cardinal Rishelieu

cardinal who was France's chief minister during the reign of Louis XIII. Sought to destroy the power of the Huguenots and nobles.

Louis XIV

The French King who built the palace at versailles, The longest standing King of France "Sun King",, One of the most powerful monarchs of Europe, ruling 72 years. He was famous for his quote,"I am the state." Moved capital to Versailles which became a sym


official appointed by French king Louis XIV to govern the provinces, collect taxes, and recruit soldiers

Jean-Babtiste Colbert

Louis XIV brilliant finance minister who imposed mercantilist policies to bolster the economy.


Royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV


Morning ritual during which nobles would wait upon French King Louis XIV

balance of power

Distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong.

How did Henry IV's conversion to Catholicism help france unite?

To stop the conflict he converted, and when he had the power he protected Protestants he issued the Edict of Nantes to give them religious freedoms

What was the purpose of Louis XIV's very fancy palace and daily rituals?

Louis turned the nobles into courtiers angling for privileges rather than rival warriors battling for power. His attic worked because he carefully protected their prestige and left them exempt from paying taxes.

Why did other European nations form alliances to oppose France's plans to expand?

to maintain balance of power.

Estates General

medieval council of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France. did not meet between 1614 -1789