Ch. 14 and 15: Early Modern Era Empires

Cardinal Richelieu strengthened the power of the monarchy by

taking away the Huguenots' political and military rights and executing conspirators

The Moguls in India were foreigners who were also


The foundation for a constitutional monarchy in England was laid by the

Bill of Rights

What is absolutism?

a system of government in which a ruler hold total power

Shah Jahan had the_____ built in Agra in memory of his wife.

Taj Mahal

Elizabeth Tutor tried

avoid war with France and Spain

The Thirty Years' War involved all the major European powers except which nation?


In the late thirteenth century, a new group of Turks under their leader Osama began to build power in

the northwest corner of the Anatolian Peninsula

Seven percent of the total French population were


Under the leadership of_____, the Ottomans conquered Constantinople and gained dominance over the Balkans and the Anatolian Peninsula.

Mehmet II

The Civil War in England was a conflict between

the king and parliament

James I of England strongly believed in

the divine right of kings

Ottoman expansion in the early fourteenth century eventually led to their control over

the Bosporus and the Dardanelles

Peter the Great wanted to

westernize, or Europeanize, Russia

Recruited from the local Christian population in the Balkans, the janissaries were

converted to Islam and trained as foot soldiers or administrators to serve the sultan

The Rump Parliament was

what was left after Cromwell purged the members who did not support him

The Ottoman Empire after the death of Suleyman was hurt by all of the following except

lack of training for officials, cost of constant wars, rise of a privileged group; except the sack of Constantinople

The Hapsburg Empire did all of the following except

take control of Hungary, Croatia, and Slavonia; lose their Holy Roman Empire in Germany, remain a collection of territories; except establish a centralized, absolutist state

The Bill of Rights did all of the following except

recognize Parliament's right to make laws, recognize the right to jury trials, prevent monarchs from raising armies; except abolish Parliament

What was the name of the group of Ottoman religious advisers that administered the legal system and schools for education Muslims


Philip II of Spain was known as the

Most Catholic King

The Commissariat established by Frederick William in Prussia became

both a military and civl agency

When Henry of Navarre became Henry IV, he

converted to Catholicism

The____ brought an era of unity to the subcontinent of India in the 1600s.


____ sought to increase the wealth and power of France by following the ideas of mercantilism.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The house of____ ruled the southern French Kingdom of Navarre.


During the meetings of the imperial council, the sultan

sat behind a screen and privately indicated his desires to the grand vizier

Local officials, known as____, kept a portion of the taxes paid by the peasants in lieu of salary.


What was the "Glorious Revolution"?

the invasion of England by William of Orange, which overthrew James II with almost no bloodshed

Gunpowder empires" were empires that

were formed by outside conquerors who unified the regions they conquered

Babur's forces entered India through the

Khyber Pass

The British successes in India were achieved through the military genius of

Sir Robert Clive

The____ granted Puritans, but not Catholics, the right of public worship.

Toleration Act of 1689

William and Mary were offered the throne of England to

prevent succession by a Catholic Monarch

The Romanov dynasty in Russia was

chosen by the national assembly

The____ were Protestants in England who were inspired by Calvinist ideas.


The Ottoman Empire preferred to

administer their lands through local rulers and pashas

The hereditary nature of the position of sultan

led to struggles over succession between the sons of the sultan

James I of England believed in the divine right of kings, which is

the ideas that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God

What two elements aided Akbar in gaining control of almost all of India?

heavy artillery and successful negotiators

The French kings of the sixteenth century managed to

do little to stop the spread of Protestantism

The Ottoman Turks conquered all of the following except

Constantinople, North Africa, the Balkans; except Spain

By the late eighteenth century, Mogul prosperity was shaken by

the coming of the British

Who established the Mogul dynasty?


The Rump Parliament did all of the following except

abolish monarchy, behead Charles I, declare England a republic or commonwealth; except restore Catholicism

Louis XIV maintained complete authority as monarch by

distracting the nobles and royal princes with court life, to keep them out of politics

Local, lower-ranking officials called zamindars did all of the following except

exercise considerable power, received farm plots, keep part of the taxes they collected; except command small armies

The Ottoman central government appointed officials called


Sir Robert Clive was an aggressive British empire builder who

was empowered by the British crown to fight any force that threatened the East India Company's power in India

Oliver Cromwell's defeat of the king's forces allowed him to

take control of England and eventually establish a military dictatorship

The Edict of Nantes recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France, and

gave the Huguenots the right to worship and to enjoy all political privileges

One of the richest parts of Philip II's empire was

the Spanish Netherlands