Wolrd History

Which of the following was not a goal of the Congress of Vienna?

Distribute wealth evenly amongst all social classes

What was the chief goal of the congress of Vienna?

to create a lasting peace

Napoleon's downfall started when he invaded which country?


Legitimacy was trying to reestablish old monarchies as the leaders of their countries again?


Napoleon was killed at the battle of Waterloo?


Napoleon's final defeat was the battle of?


The Spanish used ________________ to fight against the French?

Guerilla Warfare

This means to step down from power?


Ballot in which voters say yes or no to an issue?


Who was "the hero of two worlds", and the leader of the National Guard?

Marquis de Lafeyette

The civil constitution of the Clergy stated that?

Bishops and Priest became elected officials

French Journalist who fought for women's rights?

Olympe de Gouges

The leader of the committee on Public Safety and the Reign of Terror was?

Maximilien Robespierre

Why was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, an important event in the French Revolution?

It challenged the king's authority.

Jacques Necker angered the First and Second Estates by proposing that?

taxes on clergy and nobles be raised.

The French set up a 2 house legislature and a 5 man?


Sans-culottes were?

working class men and women who pushed the rebellion to a more radical phase

Which economic plan, which might have helped prevent the French Revolution, was dismissed by the government of Louis XVI?

taxation of the First Estate

The bourgeoisie belonged to which group?

Third Estate

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

all men were born free and equal in rights

How did the Napoleonic code reflect enlightenment principals?

It guaranteed the equality of all citizens before the law

Who showed a clear link between germs and infectious disease?


Whose invention most changed the way we communicate today?


Which one of these inventors created something that most changed travel forever?

Wright Brothers

Who was the first person to use all the instruments of the modern orchestra?


Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?

Karl Marx

People as a whole instead of private individuals would own the means of production?


Utilitarianism is the belief that?

Society should be the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people

Laissez-Faire Economics means?

hands off approach

Who created the Methodist religion?

John Wesley

Who was an English teacher, lecturer, meteorologist, physicist, and chemist; atomic theory?

John Dalton

What did Jethro Tull invent that made it easier to plant seeds in a row?

Seed Drill

Which statement best describes how changes in agriculture supported the early Industrial Revolution?

The enclosure movement created a large class of unemployed agricultural workers.

The practice of enclosure helped increase farm outputs by

Increasing the land available for agriculture.

Bismarck's plan to crush all local loyalties that were not to the government was called?


Bismarck was the chancellor for what German speaking country?


Bismarck's ideology towards running his country was called
