History Unit 5

Albrecht von Wallenstein

General of Imperial Army against Gustavus Adolphus in Thirty Years
Fought for Catholics

Gustavus Adolphus

Military Genius and innovator
More flexible army
King of Sweden during Swedish Phase of war
First standing army of conscripts
Equal numbers of musketeers and pikemen
Army tactics
Decreased pikes increased Muskets
Special training
Moved away from

Cardinal Richelieu

Weakened Huguenots
Eliminated their military and political rights
Allowed them keep their religious rights
Weakened the nobles
trying to weaken their 'power'
Richelieu sent out royal officials called intendants to the provinces to execute the orders of th

Louis XIII

French King
Elected when he was young
He has Cardinal Richelieu rule the kingdom for him
Father of Louis XIV

Cardinal Mazarin

The Fronde - Noble Revolt
Pretty much the ruler of France, as Louis XIV was too young when Richelieu sent out royal officials called intendants to the provinces to execute the orders of the central government

Louis XIV

The best example of the practice of absolute monarchy in the seventeenth century
His ultimate goal was to centralize the government
"L'etat, C'est moi!" (I am the state!)
Restructures the Central Government
High nobility required to reside here

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Based policies on mercantilist theories
Very large infrastructure

Frederick William the Great Elector

creates general war commissariat to levy taxes
to fund military

Peter the Great

Technology and military

Charles XII of Sweden

Great Northern War
Sweden vs Russia
Russia won
Sweden became second rate power
Peter the Great
Sweden becomes a second rate power

James I of England

He claims that he was chosen by God "Divine Right of Kings"
King of England and Sweden
Part of the House of Stuart
Not familiar with the English political system
Parliament Passed and levies taxes
Cost of government steadily increased under James
Spent lo

Charles I

Son of King James. Charles does not listen to anybody and wants to put himself in even more power. King was needed to call Parliament together so he decided to just not call them together. Called the period of self rule. In order to get money he creates t

Charles II

-Son of Charles I
-Will have limits
-Parliament will retain significant power
-Power of the purse
-Arbitrary courts abolished
-Many given amnesties
-Except 17 that were in tribunal for Charles
-Anglican church restored
-Catholics and puritans forced to re

James II

king of England, Ireland, and Scotland. The son of Charles I, he escaped to the Continent in 1648 and returned to England at the Restoration in 1660. He became king on the death of his brother Charles II in 1685, but his conversion to Catholicism made him

Thomas Hobbes

English philosopher. He believed that human action was motivated entirely by animalistic instincts and selfish concerns. His name has been associated with the state's claim to absolute monarchy over its subjects

John Locke

English philosopher. A founder of political liberalism and empiricism. Argued that the authority of rulers has a human origin and is limited. Believed that humans had natural, inalienable rights - to life, liberty, and property

William Shakespeare

-Born to a prosperous glove maker
-Best known for plays but also did acting and was a shareholder in the Lord Chamberlain's Company
-Extremely skilled in English and human psychology

El Greco

-Name for Domenikos Theotocopoulos
-"The Greek"
-Mannerist painter
-Desired to create a world of intense emotion

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

-Completed Saint Peter's Basilica
-Throne of Saint Peter
-Ecstasy of Saint Theresa

Witchcraft craze

Conflict between Catholics (Habsburg) and Calvinists (Bohemia)
Holy Roman empire was divided
Protestant Union vs. Catholic league
Two branches
Both branches are Catholic
Habsburg Catholic Rulers
Guided Kingdom of Bohemia

Prague Defenestration

People were thrown out window, but they miraculously survived

Thirty Year's War

The Witchcraft Craze
Witchcraft before the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
Increased persecution and executions
Accusations against witches
Reasons for Witch craze
Religious Uncertainty
Social Conditions
Women as primary victims
Begins to subside by mid

Edict of Restitution

Outlawed Calvinism and returned a great deal of property to the catholic Church. Made Sweden join in to help.

Peace of Westphalia

All about national dynastic issues
Established modern international order of equal sovereign states


The sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to be the king through divine rights
Their power is appointed by God


Revolts by the nobles
They represented the centralized administrative power being built up at the expense of provincial nobility

Versailles Palace

Louis XIV's palace
High nobility required to reside here
No longer on royal council
Distracting ceremonies and rituals

War of Spanish Succession

Argument over who gets the Spanish empire after childless Charles II dies
Louis XIV's grandson, Philip, to inherit Spanish throne

Edict of Fontainebleau

Louis XIV issued this
Destruction of Huguenot churches and Protestant schools
200,000 Huguenots leave France

Holy Roman Empire

It never really ended
There are over 300 independent German states


The Hohenzollern Dynasty
Frederick William the Great Elector (1640 - 1688)
General War Commissariat to levy taxes
Frederick III (1688 - 1713)
King of Prussia (1701)

General War Commissariat

Its whole job was to gain enough money to support the 40,000 man army. 50% of its revenue was absorbed by the army.


Ottoman's come in and try to invade the Austrians with troops from everyone to come and take it over but The Austrians with the help of the Polish army are able to hold out in Vienna and the Ottomans are pushed back and for the first time in a while the O

Great Northern War

When Russia defeated Sweden and Sweden loses their military power and territory.

Second Siege of Vienna

European Technology and Discipline end up being able to trump the feudalistic approach of the Ottomans.

liberum veto

the free veto"
Parliamentary device in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Polish Sejm

Elect Polish Kings
Two-chamber assembly in which landowners completely owned the few townspeople and lawyers who were also members

Ottoman Empire

Suleiman the Magnificent
Attacks against Europe
Advances in the Mediterranean
Ottomans viewed as a European power
New Offensives in the second half of the 17th Century


A well-organized military system also added to the strength of the Ottoman Empire. Especially outstanding were the Janissaries, composed of Christian boys who had been taken from their parents, converted to the Muslim faith, and subjected to rigid militar


financial center

Long Parliament

1640-1660. Charles needs money for troops so he is forced to call them. Placed several limitations on him before they do. Get rid of arbitrary courts, court of law, abolish certain taxes. Passed the Triennial act, must meet at least once every 3 years

Glorious Revolution

William of Orange invited to take English throne
Because his son was going to be Catholic
He is married to Mary, who was James' (previous English ruler) daughter
James wants the throne back
He goes to Ireland for support because they were Catholic

Baroque art

-Embraced by Catholics
-Bring together Classical ideals of Renaissance and spiritual feelings of religious revival
-Use of dramatic effects to arouse the emotions
-All palaces decorated to impress visitors
-Peter Paul Rubens
-Gian Lorenzo Bernini


English calvinists
Wanted to purify the Anglican Church
Many Puritans are in the Gentry
landowning commoners
wealthy but not nobility
significant political power (House of commons)