French Revolution (chapter 6, section 2 and 3)

Ancient regime

An old order

The four stages

Moderate phase; radical phase; the directory; age of Napolean


The social classes of France


The wealthier, middle-working class

Deficit spending

When a government spends more money than it takes in

Louis XVI

A weak ruler who put France in major debt, hunger, and wars

Marie Antoinette

Louis XVI's Austrian wife; "let them eat cake"; spent too much money on clothing and hair; was hated by the people

Jacques Necker

Louis XVI's financial expert and advisor; demanded to tax first and second estate; was dismissed/ fired


The legislative body consisting of representatives of the three estates


Notebooks that the three estates listed their grievances in


A complaint about something

Tennis Court Oath

An oath that the National Assembly took that said that they would not leave this tennis court u till a fair constitution was established


A grim medieval fortress used as a prison; was stormed by the people and later torn down


Dissenting (beliefs) groups of people

Marquez de Lafayette

An aristocratic "hero of two worlds"; fought alongside George Washington in American Revolution; was in charge of the National Guard

Olympe de Gouges

A journalist who demanded equal rights for men and woman; was imprisoned and executed


Working-class men and women; means "without breeches", wore trousers


A government ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch


A revolutionary political club; mostly middle-class lawyers of intellectuals


The right to vote

Maximilien Robespierre

The incorruptible"; speaker; popular among people; eventually became leader of estates-general; failed suicide attempt; killed by guillotine

Reign of Terror

September 1793 to July 1794; fear controlled people


A falling blade that sliced victims head off

Napoleon Bonaparte

Popular military hero who won a series of brilliant victories against Austrians in Italy


A strong feeling of pride and devotion to ones country


A port city where troops marched to a song; urged others to go against tyranny; song "La Marseillaise" was later France's national anthem

What caused discontent in the old French regime?

The classes were not even, did not have fair say based on percentage of population

When the estates-general convened in May 1789, what actions did the members of the third estate take and why?

The third estate (along with some members of the first and second estate) went to a tennis court and made a new constitution, became national assembly

Describe the reforms that the National Assembly enacted in the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

All male citizens were free and equal before the law

Describe the reforms that the National Assembly enacted in the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

The church was put under state control; clergy not needed

Describe the reforms that the National Assembly enacted in the Constitution of 1791

A limited monarchy; reformed laws; ensured equality among all male citizens

What was the Reign of Terror?

Where fear controlled people; blood was shed

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

Hunger; debt; foreign aid; Texas/tariffs/tithe; monarchy abuses power; corrupt social order; grievance issues

What were the effects of the French Revolution?

Monarchy is abolished; nationalism spreads; no social classes, everyone called "citizen"; liberty and equality of male citizens

What impact did Enlightenment ideas have on the French Revolution?

They made people think about their rights and freedoms