Organic Chemistry Exam 2 (4-6) Vocab


electron-seeking reagants that have room in their orbitals to accept a pair of electrons


reagants seeking a nucleus to which they can donate electrons (most Lewis and Bronsted bases)

nucleophilic substitution/displacement reaction

reaction where a leaving group is detached

leaving group

a stable species that can be detached from a molecule in a bond-breaking step

spectator (counter) ions

ions that appear in the balanced equation for a reaction as support for reagants or products, but don't participate directly in bond-breaking and forming


the study of rates of chemical reaction and factors that influence that rate


the sum of the exponents of the concentration terms that appear in the rate equation.

transition state

the state lying between reactants and products, with no lifetime but a geometry and charge distribution

activated complex

a molecular complex to describe the transition state, with partial charges, in square brackets with the double dagger symbol

absolute rate constant

(6.2 * 10^12/s) how quickly the activated complex is converted to product at a certain temperature

energy diagram

A diagram that shows the relative energy of the reactants, intermediate state, and products in a chemical reaction

reaction coordinate

x-axis in an energy diagram representing the changes that must take place in bond lengths and bond angles within molecules along the reactant to product conversion

free energy of activation

the height of the energy barrier in a system going from reactants to products - the energy the reactants attain in reaching the transition state

Hammond Postulate

geometry of the transition state most closely resembles the side to which it is closer in free energy

secondary carbocation

a positively charged species with two alkyl groups attached to an electron-deficient carbon atom in the middle

primary carbocation

a positively charged species in which only one alkyl group is attached to the electron-deficient carbon atom

electrophilic addition reaction

a class of reactions where a species is added to a double bond between carbon atoms


an observed preference in the direction in which molecules interact with one another

reactive intermediates

short-lived, less stable species formed as reactants progress to products