exam 2 stats

1.)Whats is the difference between association and correlation?

Association is the idea the we have observed a pattern, patter or connect between theoretical thing. The underlying problem with association is your just assuming your not really proving. So correlation tests association by strength of the association. Correlation is measured by association with the letter R. R index gives us insight of strength or if it is a positive relationship. ( gives us an index to measure the associaiton).

2.) What does inferential statistics mean?

allows us to support a conclusion or what we are hypothesizing. You can't prove it because there is always error measured. supports conclusions and it helps for making decisions.

3.) What is the fundamental difference between r statistic and r^2 statistic?

The R stat- persons coefficient correlation (describes the strength of the correlation . R2 how much i can explain out of that association or prediction -the Coefficient of determination.

What can a scatter plot help us understand?

A scatter plot can help visualize the understanding how the data is spread and how elliptical the data is and we use this to interpret about the association between x and y.

Describe the difference between a dependent variable and an independent variable: what would be an example of each?

Dependent variable- Its the variable that depends on something else to influence its behavior we theoretically believe it has some relationship with something else to kickstart it, its change is dependent on something else independent variable- stands by its self and nothing else affects it.

.)Explain the concepts of an outlier and what their presence suggest?

an outlier 3 or more standard deviatiations of the mean. it is so far from the expectation, it affects the pattern which can influences the level of association.

What is confidence level?

We can never be 100 % confidence because of random chance because there is so much out there . Our willingness to accept error, helps frame our level of significance to make a decision. if you have confidence level of .2 thats 20% error into your conclusion.

Explain the difference between null and Alternative hypothesis?

A null hypothesis is - h0 generally no relationship with an alternative hypothesis- is an a relationship h1. P value the will confidently allow us to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis

What does Bivariate analysis mean?

A cross comparison of two variables. I want to see if the two variables are associated. Ability to add more information and complexity into my study. Having more than one variable is more usful cause it gives me a better picture of what i am looking for. for example GPA might not really reflect you because you started freshman year with a bad GPA.

A correlation typically evaluates three aspects of the relationship. Explain each Strength, direction, form

A correlation typically evaluates three aspects of the relationship. Explain each Strength, direction, form

what does the measures of association communicate to us?

It tells us that it goes back to how far we can take that notion of a relationship and run with it. it supports the conclusion of a relationship but doesn't prove it.

What is the difference between supporting and proving conclusion using statistical methods?

it supports conclusion with only a 5% likely hood i made a mistake but i can't prove it because there is error

Explain the basic concept of probability: how does this idea help explain how events can be understood or predicted?

explains notion of patterns and number and ability to capture those patterns to understand things. helps us support conclusions and make decisions.

7.) Explain the idea behind contingency label analysis.

if you know the right questions to ask. How strong is the relationship shown in the table? What are the odds that the relationship might have occurred just by chance? We'll take up the second question first.