
the role of statistics in geography- why use these methods: Identified trends.

this approach is different because you can test conclusions and establish tests for hypothesis. establish comparisons, helps makes decisions and supports conclusions.

What does it mean to think with data?

Looking at what we have measured and coming up with questions asking why and what does this mean. were trying to ask questions and evaluate things. Helps us diagnose situations and think about what things are, what are they doing, how are they behaving.

What is the importance if "true score theory'?

true score theory maintains that every measurement is an additive composite of two components. True value and error. it accounts for random factors

What are the important characteristics of the "normal distribution" and what does it help us explain/ predict?

Everything that you measure fit a normal pattern. it can reduce uncertainty and error. it helps us explain or predict patterns and measurement.

Explain the concept of central tendency and expectation; what are the statistics used to quantify these ideas?

It is a calculated value of mean median and mode. the mean is sensitive to the outlier it throws it off. the mean can be influenced by extreme values. it may not truly represent the central tendency. median- the real middle and mode is the most frequent occurring value. mode is good at looking for trends in distributions.

6.) What is the dispersion and what are the two primary ways it is measured: what device helps us visualize dispersion?

The variance or how spread out the numbers are. This is important it because you can infer any possibilities, influences my possibility to predict something. standard deviation, how common that value is. Histograms plots tables help visualize to interpret what the situation is , they make it easy to see patterns.

what are useful methods of visualizing data?

Histograms plots tables help visualize to interpret what the situation is , they make it easy to see patterns.

what is a z-score and what does it help us do?

z scores are expressed in standard deviation, helps us make comparisons.A Z-Score is a statistical measurement of a score's relationship to the mean in a group of scores. A Z-score of 0 means the score is the same as the mean.

Explain the difference between continuous and discrete data?

discrete or continuous are going to influence what types of analysis to preform and what types of questions to ask . you know the rest.

explain key issues surrounding the process of sampling?

make sure the sample is representative(large enough sample that gives a good enough sample to support questioning) and use they right method of sampling. if there is not a good enough sample then it will throw off the rest of the test such as mean median and mode can be thrown off.

What is a random sample and how is this strategy different from a stratified sample?

number of point people location, that have been selected without any real preference or bias associated with it. Selecting points based on other than my preference or bias. some systematic way of visiting sampling places such as the grid pattern or the others. stratified sample- some type of structure behind the sample

how does data quality influence a statistical analysis?

if the data isn't quality you can't be certain how accurate your conclusions can be, improper, error thrown data, or old data, it is going to be wrong because it is based off things that are incorrect. this can influence you for everything you do is wrong. this leads to bad decisions with data that leads to inaccurate outcomes.