Chapter 1

Determine whether the underlined numerical value is a parameter or a statistic.
The average annual salary of 50 of a company's 800 employees is $54,000

Statistic, because the data set of salaries of 50 employees is a sample

Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative.
Amount of disk space in gigabyte

The variable is quantitative because it is a numerical measure.

Determine whether the quantitive variable is discrete or continuous.
Goals scored in a season by a soccer player

The variable is discrete because it is countable

The Gallup Organization contact 1178 adults who are 20 to 90 years of age and lived in Europe and ask whether or not they had voted in the last federal election.
What is the population of the study?
What is the sample in the study?

Population: Adults who are 20 to 90 and lived in Europe
Sample: The 1178 adults who are 20 to 90 and live in Europe

Setup Size (in) Screen Type Channels
A 50 Projector 299
B 52 Plasma 120
C 54 Plasma 423
D 47 Projector 270
E 41 Projector 290
What are the individuals being studied?
What are the variables and their corresponding data being studied?
Size is a?
Screen type

Individuals: The set ups A through E of widescreen high- definition televisions.
Variables: Size, screen type, channels.
Size: Continuous variable
Screen Type: Qualitative variable
Number of channels: Discrete variable

What is meant by confounding?

Confounding in a study occurs when the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated. Therefore, any relations that may exist between an explanatory variable and the response variable may be due to some other variable or variable not acco

Cross- Sectional Study?

Observation studies that collect information about individuals at a specific point in time or over a very short period of time.
For example: a researcher might want to asses the risk associated with smoking by looking at a group of people, determining how

What does it mean when an observation study is retrospective?

Requires the individuals to look back in time or require the researcher to look at existing record.

What does it mean when an observational study is prospective?

A prospective study collects the data over time.


The entire group to be studied


A subset (smaller set) of the population to be studied


A person or object that is a member of the population being studied


A numerical summary of a sample


A numerical summary of a population

Descriptive Statistics

Organizing and summarizing data using numbers, tables and graphs

Inferential Statistics

Methods that take a result from a sample, extend to the population and measure the reliability of the result

Qualitative Variable (categorical cariable)

Allow for classification of individuals based on some attribute or characteristic; averaging these values would not make sense. (EX: hair color, favorite color, location)


Characteristics of the individuals within the population (EX: height, weight, hair color)


a quantitative variable that has either a finite number of possible values or a "countable" number of values, usually answers the question "how many people, objects, etc


A quantitive variable that has an infinite number of possible values that are NOT countable. These are usually measurements, such as "how much weight, height, speed, volume, etc

Observational Studies

No attempt was made to influence the individuals in the study
Measures the value of the response variable without attempting to influence the value of either the response or explanatory variable

Designed Experiements

Each group was intentionally exposed to various levels of radiation
A researcher assigns the individuals to a certain group, intentionally changes the value of an explanatory variable, and then measures the response variable

Explanatory Variable ("x")

The value(s) of the manipulated characteristic(s)
We think of this as the "input

Response Variable ("y")

The value being measured as a result
We think of this as the "output

Lurking Cariable

An explanatory variable that was not considered in a study but that affects the value of the response variable in the study


is a list of all individuals in a population along with certain characteristics of each individual

How reliable is a census?

Not very reliable, very impossible/ inaccurate


Numerate a list of the population- each individual needs a unique number

Stratified Random Sample

Separate the population into strata (groups based on a common characteristic EX: size, career, age

Systematic Sample

Selecting every "k" individual from population to create the sample
EX: A manager might survey every 10th customer in his/ her store

Cluster Sample

Randomly selecting a location (zipcode, classroom, building, floor department) or time (between 12M- 1PM) and surveying every individual int hat location or time frame

Convenience Sample

Self Selected (Response cards on table)
Voluntary response
Pop- up surveys on websites

Multi- Stage Sample

Large scale surveys- any combination of the different ways to sample

Sampling Bias

Convenience sampling, under coverage (not everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected)

Non- Response Bias

Voluntary surveys
Can be reduced by using callback and incentives

Response Bias

Survey not conducted correctly

Interviewer Error

Interviewer influenced answers (if a cop asks you if you were speeding)

Misrepresented Answers

Inflated/ Deflated results (if you ask a woman her weight)

Wording/ Order Of The Questions

Do you agree with killing innocent beings?


Explanatory variables could be one or more per experiment


What is going to be done to the individuals in the experiment


Individuals participating in the experiment (person, object, animals)

Control Group

Baseline treatment, uses a placebo with appropriate


A technique used so that the subject does not know which treatment they are receiving (single blind), generally only necessary for human subjects

Double Blind

Neither the subject nor the administrator know which treatment is being received; generally necessary when a product is trying to be sold/ purchased

What does it mean when sampling is done without replacement?

Once an individual is selected, the individual cannot be selected again


Statistics consists of organizing and summarizing information collected


Statistic uses methods that generalize results obtained from a sample to the population and measure the reliability of the results

A sample of employees is selected and it is found that 55% own a computer

Statistic because the value is a numerical measurement describing a characteristic of a sample

Cross- Sectional Study

Observational studies that collect information about individuals at a specific point in time or over a very short period of time

Case Control Study

Observational studies that are retrospective, meaning that they require individuals to look back in time or require the researcher to look at existing records


Occurs when the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated. Therefore, any relation that may exist between an explanatory variable and the response variable may be due to some other variable or variable not accounted for in the study


Person or object that is a member of the population being studied