chapter 11 quiz

There is a different F distribution for every:
A. level of your independent variable.
B. combination of sample size and number of samples.
C. sample size.
D. within-groups degrees of freedom.


A measure of the differences among group means is:
a. the z score.
b. the proportionate reduction in error.
c. between-groups variance.
d. within-groups variance.


If between-groups variance is much larger than within-groups variance, then we infer that the sample means are:
A. different from one another and reject the null hypothesis.
B. similar to one another and reject the null hypothesis.
C. similar to one anoth


If you have an interval dependent variable and your independent variable is nominal with three or more levels, you could use a(n) ________ to analyze your data.
A. t test
B. z test
C. PRE test


The F is calculated by:
A. initially squaring all of your scores.
B. dividing a measure of between groups variability by a measure of within-groups variability.
C. dividing a measure of within-groups variability by a measure of between-groups variability.


A measure of variability that is essentially an average of the sample variances is:
A. between-groups variance.
B. within-groups variance.
C. the proportionate reduction in error.
D. the z score


Martin is interested in the effects of different kinds of instruction on videogame performance. Martin obtains 30 college freshmen and has each of them play 1 hour of Ratchet and Klank. Participants are randomly assigned to one of three instruction groups


The assumptions of the ANOVA are that samples:
A. are selected randomly and that the samples come from populations with unequal variances.
B. come from populations that are heteroscedastic and they are normally distributed.
C. are selected randomly and th


When F is significant:
A. the values of the means that are farthest apart are the only ones that are significant.
B. the values of the means that are closest together are the only ones that are significant.
C. we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
D. we


The less overlap that there is among our sample distributions:
A. the less likely it is that we will reject the null hypothesis.
B. the more confident we are that our samples represent true differences in the population.
C. the less confounding variabilit


The grand mean is the:
A. average of each of your group means.
B. mean of all the scores in the study squared.
C. mean of all the scores in the study, regardless of the condition.
D. average difference of each of your group means.


Within-groups degrees of freedom is calculated by:
A. multiplying the number of subjects you have by the number of conditions in your study and then subtracting 1.
B. subtracting 1 from the total number of subjects that you have.
C. subtracting 1 from the


Changes in within-groups variance result in changes in the ________ of the F ratio.
A. denominator
B. significance
C. sign
D. numerator


The F statistic increases when:
A. between-groups variance decreases.
B. between-groups variance decreases and/or within group variance increases
C. within-groups variance increases.
D. within-groups variance decreases and/or between-groups variance incre


If you calculate an F statistic and find that it is smaller than your critical value you would:
A. conduct a post-hoc test.
B. reject the null hypothesis and conduct a post-hoc test.
C. reject the null hypothesis.
D. fail to reject the null hypothesis.


Lucille is interested in the effects of alcohol consumption on style of play while playing the video game Sims. She asks a group of 15 college students to play Sims under one of the following conditions: no alcohol, 1 ounce, 2 ounces, or 3 ounces of alcoh


In a within-groups ANOVA MSbetween = 10, MSwithin = 5, dfbetween = 22, and dfwithin = 35. What is the calculated value of F?
A. 2.2
B. 50
C. 2
D. .5


How will reducing within-groups variability impact the F-ratio?
A. it will make it smaller
B. it will make it larger
C. it will insure that it is less than 1
D. it will have no effect on the F-ratio


A researcher reports that dfbetween = 3 and dfwithin = 10. How many treatment conditions are in this study?
A. 3
B. 11
C. 10
D. 4


In addition to the sources of variability calculated for a between-subjects ANOVA, the within-subjects ANOVA also calculates:
A. SSbetween
B. SSsubjects
C. SSwithin
D. SSgrand