stats 350 1

nominal scale

the order doesnt matter, labled (gender, etc.)

ordinal scale

order does matter, (agree, strongly agree, ect)

interval scale

numeric data (fixed unit of matter- temp)

ratio scale

numeric (income, age)

elements (data set)

what the data is collected on (hotels, etc)

variables (data set)

characteristics of the thing the data is taken on (country, rate, score, etc.)

an observation (data set)

what was being observed

categorical data

nominal and ordinal scale

quantitative data

interval and ratio scale

cross sectional data

data collected at once

time series data

data collected over a period of time (sales for the year)

continuous random variables

variable that may assume any numerical value in an interval

discrete random variable

a variable which can only take a countable number of values. In this example, the number of heads can only take 4 values (0, 1, 2, 3)