

set of methods and rules for organizing, summarizing, and interpreting data


Parameter is characteristic (usually numerical) of population


Statistic is characteristic (usually numerical) of a sample


summarizes, organizes and simplifies data


uses sample data to make generalization to a population

Sampling error

The discrepancy that exist between a sample statistic and a population parameter; chance discrepancy

Random Sampling

Procedure used to select a subset of a population; Every member has equal chance of being in subset; Subset has greater likelihood of being representative of the population than if nonrandom sampling are used

What makes true experiment?

Manipulate variable (independent variable) --- (dependent variable is measurement); Random sampling; Control extraneous variables / environment


almost" experiment; differential research can't randomly assign people to groups; Conditions are the result of non-manipulated subject variables or time


Number of statements about underlying mechanisms of behavior


A testable statement of belief


A hypothetical concept used in theories (Id, intelligence, frustration)

Operational definition

Describes a set of operations or procedures for measuring a construct; defines construct (variable) in terms of the resulting measurement(Time = seconds, minutes, hours,
Height = inches, meters, feet)

Confounding Variable

Some variable that is linked to independent variable so you don't know If independent or confound lead to the result

Differential research

Groups are formed by subject variables so you can't randomly assign; can lead to faulty conclusions

Time series research

Measure people, give treatment, and measure them again; Can't control 1st time of measuring and 2nd time of measuring (lack ability to control)

Why do we need statistics?

Since sample is available to us, we can use the data from the sample to estimate entire population


# represents categories


# represents categories + #'s can be rank ordered (logically placed)


# represents categories + #'s can be rank ordered (logically placed) + equal intervals between adjacent points (1-2, 2-3, 3-4


# represents categories + #'s can be rank ordered (logically placed) + equal intervals between adjacent points (1-2,2-3,3-4) + absolute zero point exists (50 is twice as much as 25, temperature 0?, # of minutes to finish problems, anything negative (-) is

Discrete Data

Number represents exact amount (number of children in family, number of cars in a parking lot); No fractions

Continuous Data

Number in front is best representative given the instrument that you are using; Always add extra decimal place; stop watch, weight scale; Between any 2 numbers, there is always another number (break it down further)