Stats 202 Ch. 9

Observational study

Observes individuals and measures variable of interest but doesn't attempt to influence the responses; do so to describe a group or situation


Deliberately impose some treatment on individuals in order to observe responses; study whether the treatment causes a change in responses

Confounded/ lurking variables

Variables are of this variety when their effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other


any specific experimental condition applied to the subjects


the individuals studied in an experiment


The explanatory variables in an experiment

Randomized comparative experiment

An experiment that uses both comparison of 2 or more treatments and random assignment of subjects to treatments

Simple experimental design

Subjects --> treatment --> measure response

Control group

The group in an experiment that doesn't receive the treatment

The principles of experimental design

1. Control the effects of lurking variables by comparing 2 or more treatments
2. Randomize by using chance to assign subjects to treatments
3. Use enough subjects per group to reduce chance variation in results

Statistically significant

When an observed effect is so large that it would rarely occur by chance, the effect is...

Double-blind experiment

neither the subjects nor the people who interact with them know which treatment each subject is receiving; common example is medical experiments & placebo effect


A dummy treatment; many patients respond even to these because they trust the doctor


A group of individuals that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the responses to the treatments

Matched pairs design

Compares just 2 treatments by choosing pairs of subjects that are as closely matched as possible with each one of them randomly receiving each treatment. In other designs, one individual receives both treatments one after the other in a random order.

block design

the random assignment of individuals to treatments is carried out separately within each block