stats chapter 2

relative frequency distributions are generally more useful than frequency distributions when

comparing data sets of the same size

when constructing classes for frequency distribution of quantitative data, which of the following principles should generally be followed

In general, the classes should be the same width.
The classes should be mutually exclusive. data should only fit in one class
The classes should be exhaustive

graphical tool best used to display the relative frequency of grouped, quantitative data


stem and leaf diagrams can be used to

Determine how dispersed the data is.
Analyze the shape of the data
Observe individual data points

one method of graphical presentation for qualitative data is a

pie chart

when a researcher examines quantitative data and wants to know the number of observations that fall below the upper limit of a particular class, the researcher is best served by creating a ____

cumulative frequency distribution

there are several guidelines to follow when constructing graphs that summarizes statistical data. Which statement is LEAST accurate

graphs should have a lot of adornments

histograms can be used to

Determine the shape of the data.
Observe the spread or the variability of the data

bar chart, which is most accurate

a bar chart is a useful graphical tool for qualitative data

new dining plan. residents were asked to give a grade of A, B, C, D, F to the new plan. Of 482 residents, 234-A, 148-B, 87-C, 9-D. How many F's


cumulative relative frequency distribution for qualitative data identifies the

proportion of observations that fall below the upper limit of each class

an ogive is a graph that plots the cumulative frequency, or cumulative relative freq, against the

upper limit of the corresponding class

in descriptive stats, a polygon is a

graph that plots the midpoints of each class of a frequency distribution

to summarize qualitative data, a useful tool is a

frequency distribution

in order to approximate class width for a frequency distribution of quantitative data, we calculate:

(largest value - smallest) / n

which graphical depictions are useful to observe the shape of a data set for a single variable

stem and leaf

new dining plan. 480 residents.
234: B
85: C
13: D
4: F
proportion of grades designated as A were


stem and leaf. Stem consists of the ___ and the leaf consists of the ___

leftmost digits; last digit

relative frequency distribution for quantitative data identifies the

proportion of observations that occur in each class

least accurate

the height of each rectangle represents cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency

how does an ogive differ from a polygon?

ogive is a graph of a cumulative (relative) frequency distribution, while a polygon is a graph of a (relative) frequency distribution

based on the pictured histogram (going down from left to right), the distribution is

positively skewed, skewed right

a ____ is a way to organize qualitative data into categories and record the number of observations in each category

frequency distribution

exam to 50 students. High was 98, low was 48. Frequency distribution is divided into 5 classes. Class width for the data is

10 points

one of the primary goals of constructing a frequency distribution for quantitative data is to summarize the data

in a manner that accurately depicts the data as a whole

which best describes a frequency distribution for qualitative data

it groups data into categories, and records the number of observations in each category

one method of graphical presentation for qualitative data is

bar chart

when constructing a histogram what values/labels go on the horizontal (x) axis and the vertical (y) axis

quantitative class limits on the horizontal axis; frequency or relative frequency on the vertical axis.

which of the following graphical depictions is used for observing the spread of the data for a single variable


which of the following graphical depictions displays cumulative data
