Chapter 16

Using the regression formula with a slope = .704 and intercept = .719, what would the predicted college GPA be for a student whose current high school GPA = 3.2?


If you are trying to predict Y scores from X scores, X is referred to as the __________.

Predictor variable

Which of the following is the point at which the regression line crosses the y-axis?


Based on the formula for a regression line, what does a represent?

y intercept

How would you represent the predicted score of Y based on a known value of X?


A regression equation can be visually represented on a ____________.

Scatter plot

In a scatter plot, if all data points were aligned along a 45� angle, your correlation would be:


What is the distance between each data point and the regression line called?

Error of the estimate

Using the regression formula with a slope = 2000 and intercept = 15000, what would the predicted income be for someone who has 16 years of education?


Based on the formula for a regression line, what does b represent?

Slope of a line

What must be used to examine an outcome that is predicted from two independent variables?

Multiple regression

Which of the following determines the direction of the regression line?


In regression, the criterion variable is also known as the ____________.

Dependent variable

When computing a predicted value, your second step is to:

Add the intercept, or a, to the value of step one

Which of the following is like a standard deviation for all error scores in regression?

Standard error of the estimate

Which of the following symbols is associated with the predicted score in the regression equation?


When using two predictor variables, these variables should be ___________


To predict one variable from another, you must first:

Compute the correlation

If the absolute value of your correlation coefficient is 1, your error in prediction will be:


Which of the following is the correct formula for linear regression?

Which of the following is the correct formula for linear regression?

A positive trend line is associated with what type of slope?

Positive slope

If you are trying to predict Y scores from X scores, Y is referred to as the ________.

Criterion variable

In multiple regression, added variables must be related to the outcome variable but ______________ with/of each other.

Both B and C

If the absolute value of your correlation is very close to 0, your error in prediction will be:


What statistical technique is used to make predictions of future outcomes based on present data?

Linear regression