Chapter 10

If your sample mean is 100, your population average is 90, and your standard error of the mean is 10, what is your observed z value?


This is the standard deviation of all possible means selected from the population.

Standard error of the mean

If your sample mean is 25, your population average is 5, and your standard error of the mean is 10, what is your observed z value?


The standard error of the mean is the best estimate that we can come up with given that it is impossible to compute _______________________.

All the possible means

The null hypothesis in a one-sample Z test would be represented as:

H0: xbar=u

After conducting a one-sample Z test, you arrived at a value of -12.5 for the z value. What is your conclusion?

Reject the null hypothesis

In a one-sample Z test, this number of groups is being compared:


After conducting a one-sample Z test, you arrived at a value of 5.7 for the z value. What is your conclusion?

Reject the null hypothesis

Calculating the one-sample Z test serves to give you:

The obtained value

After conducting a one-sample Z test, you arrived at a value of 0.2 for the z value. What is your conclusion?

Accept the null hypothesis

f your sample mean is 20, your population average is 10, and your standard error of the mean is 2, what is your observed z value?


If you have a population standard deviation of 20 and a sample size of 4, what is your standard error of the mean?


The one-sample Z test is used to compare the _______________ to ________________.

Mean of a sample, mean of a population

The standard error of the mean is calculated as:

The population standard deviation divided by the square root of the size of the sample

This is the error term used as the denominator in the equation for the z value in a one-sample Z test.

Standard error of the mean

The numerator of the equation for the z value is:

The population average subtracted from the mean of the sample.

An alternative hypothesis in a one-sample Z test could be represented as:

H1: xbar > u

After the z value is calculated, the ____________ is gathered from a table of z scores.

Critical value

If our sample selection was perfect, what would be the difference between the sample and population averages?


If you have a population standard deviation of 10 and a sample size of 4, what is your standard error of the mean?