Stats 1350 Midterm


any characteristic of an individual, can take different value for each individual

Quantitative variable

takes numerical values for which being able to do arithmetic

Categorical variable

places and individual into one of several different categories or groups

Observational study

observe individuals to measure variables of
interest, without attempting to influence a response


deliberately imposes some treatment on individuals in
order to observe their responses


The entire group of individuals about which we want


A part of the population that we actually examine to gather
information, for the purpose of drawing conclusions about the whole population


A "sample" that attempts to get information from every
member of the population


A number that describes the population


A number that describes a sample

Convenience sample

Made up of individuals that are easiest to reach

Voluntary response sample

People who choose to be in the sample
themselves by responding to a general appeal

Random sample

Every individual in the population has an equal
chance of being chosen

Simple random sample

Each individual has an equal chance
of being chosen

Stratified random sample

Individuals in the same group have an
equal chance of being chosen


Consistent, repeated deviation of the sample statistic from the population parameter (true value) in the same direction when taking many samples


How spread out the values of the sample statistics are when we take many samples

Margin of Error

Tells how close the estimate (sample statistic) is
to the truth (population parameter)

Level of Confidence

The percent of all possible samples of the population
whose statistic differs from the parameter by no more than the MOE

Sampling error

Errors caused by the act of taking a sample

Nonsampling error

Errors not caused by the act of taking a sample


Occurs when some groups in the population are left
out of the sample selection process

Sampling frame

The list of individuals that a sample is drawn from

Processing error

Someone makes a manual error (like misrecording
a response or making a math error)

Response error

Occurs when subject gives incorrect response (by
lying, remembering incorrectly, not understanding the question, etc.)

Nonresponse error

Failure to obtain data from an individual
selected for the sample

Explanatory variable

Explains or causes changes in the response

Response variable

Measures outcome or result of study


Any specific experimental condition applied to the

Lurking Variable

Has an important effect on relationship among the
variables in a study but is not included as an explanatory variable


a dummy treatment with no active ingredients

Double blind experiment

when neither the subjects nor the people who work with them know which treatment each subject receives


using many individuals in each group

Statistical significance

An observed treatment effect of a size that
would rarely occur by chance


Can we generalize results from an experiment to the
whole population we are studying?


Individuals who participate in an experiment but
don't do what is told


Individuals who begin the experiment but don't finish the

Matched pairs designs

A design used to compare two different treatments

Completely randomized design


Randomized block design



A measure of a property that is relevant or appropriate as a
representation of that property

Random error

If repeated measurements on the same individual
give different results


A measurement where the random error is small

Distribution of variable

Tells us what values the variable takes and
how often it takes these values


Used to describe histograms, make sure you consider the peaks and the tail


Where is it located along the horizontal axis? What seems to be the midpoint of the data?


How variable does the data seem to be from the center? Or, what is the overall range of data?


Average of all indeviduals


The biggest peak, the most common number(s)


M, the middle number in the data set

Standard deviation

This tells us
how data values disperse or deviate from
the mean.