Stats exam 2

Define p-value

the probability of an observed statistic or some value more extreme in the direction of the alternative hypothesis assuming the null hypothesis is true


sample size

observational units

objects/people measured, "n what?

what variables did we record?

whether or not...

parameter (categorical variable)

pi is the long run probability of event

population (parameter) is an

infinite random process

what statistic will we use to estimate the parameter?


the statistic is the

sample proportion of event

alternative hypothesis is also known as

research conjecture

null hypothesis is also known as

chance model

always assume which hypothesis to be true?

Example of how to write null

H0: pi=0.5

on a single probability distribution, proportion of repetitions is:


on a single probability distribution, proportion of heads is:

null distribution

when p-value is less than or equal to 0.05, event is considered


on a single probability distribution, "as extreme as" is


if event is unlikely we have...

strong evidence against null

if event is unlikely is it statistically significant?


if event is likely is it statistically significant?


if event is unlikely is it plausible?


if event is likely is it plausible?


if event>0.05 it is considered


if event is likely we have

weak evidence against null

Central Limit Theorem states, If n is larger enough then:

p-hat follows a norm distribution, centered at pi & mean=pi, SE of p-hat=sigma p-hat

n is large enough if

# of successes & # of failures are each at least 10

theory-based approach follows a

mathematical model

What is |Z|?

the distance from p-hat to pi in SE, ignoring direction

if Z>0

p-hat is bigger than pi

if Z<0

p-hat is less than pi

If Z=0


as n increases

SE decreases, p-value decreases, |Z| increases, strength of evidence increases

a n increases, the statistic values are

less variable

as n increases, bell-shape


two sided tests p-value is

twice as big as one-sided

as p-hat moves further from pi

p-value decreases, |Z| increases, strength of evidence increases

as p-hat gets closer to pi

p-value increases, |Z| decreases, strength of evidence decreases