stats 4

Quartiles divide a distribution into ___________.

4 equal parts

A dot plot can be used to show _________________.

The distribution for a quantitative variable

In a contingency table, we describe the relationship between ________.

Two variables measured at the ordinal or nominal level

Percentiles divide a distribution into _____________.

100 equal parts

The test scores for a class of 147 students are computed. What is the location of the test score associated with the third quartile?


What statistics are needed to draw a box plot?

The minimum, maximum, median, first and third quartiles.

What does the interquartile range describe?

The range of the middle 50% of the observations

A dot plot is best applied when _____________________.

A single variable is summarized

Outliers are clearly presented in a _____________.

box plot

To locate the percentile for a given observation in a data set, the data must be ___________.

Sorted and listed from the minimum to the maximum values

In a distribution, the second quartile corresponds with the __________.


A contingency table would be used to summarize data such as ________.

Company employees by gender and organizational title

A box plot shows ___________.

The relative symmetry of a distribution for a set of data

In a scatter diagram, we describe the relationship between __________.

Two variables measured at the interval or ratio level

If the coefficient of skewness is equal to zero, the shape of the distribution is __________.


What is the possible range of values for Pearson's coefficient of skewness?

-3 and +3

The range of the coefficient of skewness is ____________.

Both positive and negative values

A dot plot is best applied for a data set with __________.

50 observations

If a student places in the 99th percentile on an exam, she performed better than 99% of all students who completed the exam. Her performance is similar to a statement based on a __________.

Cumulative frequency distribution

A dot plot shows ____________.

Correct The general shape of a distribution