Stat Chapter Two Terms

Data Table

A rectangular arrangement of data, as in a spreadsheet. Rows and columns carry specific meaning


Names given to the rows in a data table


A column in a data table that holds a common attribute of the cases

Categorical variable

Column of values in a data table that identifies cases with a common attribute

Numerical variable

Column of values in a data table that records numerical properties of cases (also called continuous variable)

Measurement unit

Scale that defines the meaning of numerical data, such as weights measured in kilograms or purchases measured in dollars

Ordinal variable

A categorical variable whose labels have a natural order

Likert scale

A measurement scale that produces ordinal data, typically with 5 to 7 categories


To build a new variable from another, such as by combining several distinct values into one


To reduce the number of rows in a data table by counting or summing values within categories

Time series

A sequence of data recorded over time

Time plot

A graph of a time series showing the values in chronological order


The time spacing of data recorded in a time series

Cross-sectional data

Data that measure attributes of different objects observed at the same time