the relationship between a statistic and a parameter is the same as the relationship between...

a sample and a population

in a correlational study...

2 variables are measured and there is only 1 group of participants

what additional info is obtained by measuring two individuals on an interval scale compared to an ordinal scale?

the size of the difference

a characteristic, usually a numerical value, which describes a sample is called...


the natural difference that exists between a sample mean and the corresponding population mean

sampling error

what kind of study is used to examine the relationship between two variables but can't determine whether it is a cause and effect relationship

correlational study

in a positively skewed distribution, scores with the highest frequencies are...

on the left side of the distribution

the value for SS, variance, and standard deviation are never...


under what circumstance is the median likely to produce a better measure of central tendency than the mean...

with an extremely skewed distribution

the critical region describes outcomes with...

a very low probability if the null hypothesis is true

increasing the alpha level from 0.01 to 0.05 means...

increase the likelihood of rejecting null and increase the risk of a type I error

the power of a statistical test is the probablity of

rejecting a false null hypothesis

alpha represents...

-amount of type I error you are willing to risk
-the probability associated with region(s) of rejection
-significane level

resulting N, when other factors are held constant, means...

-larger z-score
-increased ability to reject null

standard error

measures the average size of the difference between a sample mean and the population mean

under what circumstances will the distribution of sample means be normal?

if the population distribution is normal or if the sample size is quite large (ie. atleast greater than 30)

if a treatment has no effect it's possible to obtain an extreme sample mean that is very different from the population mean, the outcome that is likely to happen is...

reject null and make a type I error

what is the consequence of making a type II error

concluding that a treatment has no effect when it really does

when can a very small treatment effect still be significant

if the sample size (n) is very large

a hypothesis test involves a comparison of what two elements

research results from a sample and a hypothesis about a population

what happens to the expected value of M as sample size increases

it stays constant

what happens to the standard error of M as sample size increases

it decreases

a dot cluster (scatterplot) that tilts from the upper left to lower right reflects

a negative relationship

a value of r in excess of 0.50 in either a positive or negative direction would represent...

a very strong relationship in most areas of behavioral research

when the range of possible x and or y scores is restricted, the value of the correlation coefficient usually...


dots in scatterplots that deviate conspicuously from the main dot cluster are viewed as...

potential outliers

in a scatterplot predictive errors are

associated with vertical discrepancies (distances) between dots and the regression line

the spearman correlation should be used...

when the original data are measured on an ordinal scale of measurement

if the pearson line between the x and y is positive tha...

the regression equation will have a positive slope

f test is looking for any difference among group or condition means...

always considered to be non-direcitonal test

in anova independent variables are called


when tukey's hsd is used two means are significantly different if the absolute difference between them is...

greater than the HSD

post-hoc comparisons are used in one-way ANOVA to compare all of the possible paris of...

sample means from different levels of a factor to determine which are significantly different from each other

what is stated by the null hip for an ANOVA

there are no differences between any of the population means

the null hypothesis presumes that any observed difference between sample means in an independent sample t test or in anova...

reflects sampling variablility

use ANOVA whenever the hypothesis makes a claim about...

difference among more than two population means

in anova if a treatment effect exists...

variability between groups will tend to exceed variability within groups

following an F test the squared the curvilinear correlation indicates...

the proportion of variance in dependent variable attributable to the independent variable

after rejecting the null hyp in ANOVA we then calculate...

tukey's hsd
-helps us evaluate whether specific differences among pairs of group (or condition) means are significant