Cozby Chapter 12

bar graphs

Use a seperate and distinct bar for each piece of information

central tendency

statistic tells us what the sample as a whole, or on average, is like

correlation coefficient

is a statistic that describes how strongly variables are related to one another

descriptive statistics

allow researchers to make precise statements about data

effect size

a general term that refers to the strength of association between variables

frequency distribution

indicates the number of individuals that recurve each possible score on a variable

frequency polygons

use a line to represent frequencies


uses bars to display a frequency distribution for a quantitative variable


the mean of a set of scores is obtained by adding all the scores and dividing by the number


the score that divides the group in half (with 50% scoringbelow and 50% scoring above the median).


the most frequent score

multiple correlation

is used to combine a number of predictor variables to increase the accuracy of prediction of a given criterion or outcome variable

partial correlation

provides a way of statically controlling third variables

path analysis

a method used to develop models of possible relationships among a set of variables that were studied with the nonexperimental method

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient

is used when both variables have interval or ratio scale properties

pie charts

divide a whole circle "pie" into "sclices" that represent relative precentages

regression equations

are calculations used to predict a person's score on one variable when that person's score on another variable is known

standard deviation

the average deviation of scores from the mean (the square root of the variance).

The mean is an appropriate indicator of central tendency only when scores are measured on an...... Why?

interval or ratio scale, because the actual values of the numbers are used in calcuating the statistic

The mode is the only measure of central tendency that is appropriate if what scale is used?

nominal scale


a number that characterizes the amount of spread in a distribution of scores


a measure of the variability of scores about a mean; the mean of the sum of squared deviations of scores from the group mean

What are four types of frequency distributions?

pie charts, bar graphs, frequency polygons, and histograms

What are pie charts particularly useful when representing what kind of data?

nominal scale information

What data is represented by frequency polygons?

interval or ratio scales

When is it appropriate to use the median scores? Why?

ordinal scale, because it takes into account only the rank order of the scores. Also useful with interval and ratio scale variables