
Causal Comparative design

describes a true experiment except for the fact that the groups were not randomly assigned but can be anaylized with a test of significance just like a true experiment.

Ex post facto or after the fact design

can be analized with a test of significance-t-test or anova-just like a true experiment.

Independent variable

I experiment with

Dependent variable

is the outcome

Ethnographic research

collected via interviews, observations and inspection of documents


simplistic form of the analysis of variance is used to see or asertain if two sample means are significant

When a t-test is computed it will

yield a t-value found in the back of book table.

t-test computation must

exceed the number in the table in back of book to reject null

t-value in back of book is sometimes

called critical t

t-test if more than two groups

then the analysis of variance is utilized (ANOVA)

ANOVA- when used to compare more than two sample yields

and F-statistic

F-statistic--consult back of book for F table

if value of F exceeds the critical value in back of book reject the null

Correlational data (bivariate)

two variables

Corrlational data (multivarial)

three variables or more than two

Baseline measure (before treatment)

Treatment is implemented and behavior is measured again

A s signify baseline, B s

signify intervention implementation and C s are second or alternation form of intervention

Idiographic studies

often single case investigation are called ( sometimes misleading and not necessarily generalizable)

Factorial design

used when there are two or more independent variables

Harmonic mean

compute 2+2+4 and convert to 1/2+1/2+1/4 (add) which =1 and 1/4 or 1.25/3=.4166

Benefits of standard scores- such percentiles, t-scores, z-scores, stanines or standard deviation over raw scores are

allows you to analyze the data in relation to the bell curve.

Independent variable

use horizonal axis (x axis) to plot

Dependent variable

the outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable -use vertical axis (Y axis)

Inclusive range

use + 1 when substracting between highest and lowest score for range


standard deviation squared


same as standard deviation


use mean of 50 with each standard deviation as 10

Parametric data

rely strictly on interval or ratio data


tests are designed for nominal or ordinal information

Nonimal scale

has no zero point and does not indicate order (eg. street address, telephone #, political party affilication, gender, brand of thrapy--adding, subtracting, multiplyiing or dividing would be meaningless.


provides relative placement or standing, but does not delinate absolute difference-again adding subtracting, or multiplying would be meaningless.

Interval scale

numbered scale at= distances but has no 0 point-can add or subtract but cannot multiply or divide.

Ratio scale

is an interval scale with a 0 point--adding subtracting, multiplying, or division are possible. Time, height, weight, temperature on Kelvin scale, volume, distance meet requirements.

Hawthorne effect

person not receving counseling, but observed in a study are improving. If subjects know they are part of an experiment and given more attention--their performance improves

Rosenthal effect

experimenter's belief about individual may cause individual to be treated in certain way.--Individual begins to fulfill experimenter's expectations.

Halo effect

a trait not being measured influences researcher's rating on another trait

Horizonal sampling

selects subjects from a single socioeconomical group

Vertical sampling

persons from two or more socioeconomical classes are utilized

Systematic sampling

take every nth person (first person out of every ten)

Operation definition

outlines a procedure so other reseaerchers can attemp to replicate


research goes from the specific to a generalization


reduces the general to the specific

Parsimony or Ocam's Razor

interpret results in simplest manner


a value obtained from a population (e.g., male'height