A&P Comparison of Fetal & Postnatal Circulation

true or false: fetal circulation depends upon: fetal oxygenation of the fetal blood, 3 intrafetal shunts, and the fetal heart to provide blood pressure


the fetal lungs are collapsed and posses high vascular resistance. fetal blood is oxygenated in the _____. blood flows entering the placenta is poorly oxygenated, while blood flow leaving the placenta possesses the highest oxygen saturation in the fetal c


blood flow enters the fetus through the umbilical ____


the blood flow entering the RA from the IVC is _____ in oxygen saturation


true or false: both the blood from the SVC and CS are very desaturated


true or false: in the intrafetal circulatory shunts, 3 streams jointly flow through the TV, RV, PV and MPA


most ______ artery blood flow passes through the ductus arteriosus (3rd fetal shunt), and into the descending aorta


in the fetal heart, the blood flows from the IVC which passed through the foramen ovale into the LA is joined by desaturated blood returning from the _____ via the PV


in the _____ heart, blood passes through the MV, LV and AoV into the ascending aorta


the Fetal Circulation includes: placental oxygenation, intrafetal circulatory ____ and the ____ heart

shunts, fetal

in the fetal heart, the ____ receives the most highly saturated blood available


the umbilical ____ carry the deoxygenated blood back to the maternal placenta


the 3 fetal circulatory shunts are:
foramen ovale
ductus _____
ductus _____
(all normally close after birth)

arteriosus, venosus

with birth, the lungs inflate, ______ pulmonary vascular resistance and right heart pressure, while the left heart pressures _____, resulting in closure of the foramen ovale which becomes the fossa ovalis in the adult

decreasing, increasing

the ductus closes due to a _____ in blood flow across the vessel and becomes the ligamentum venosus


true or false: during fetal circulation the left and right pulmonary arteries are relatively underdeveloped at birth due to the decrease in the flow volume of blood


true or false: during fetal circulation the right hart handles a larger volume of blood than the left heat


during fetal circulation the RV pumps against a highly resistant pulmonary bed and arterial bed which means the fetal RV will be thicker?/thinner? the the RV


true or false: blood enters the systemic arterial fetal system from 2 sources: the ductus arteriosus and the ascending aorta


the ductus venosus becomes the ____ _____ in the adult

ligamentum venosum

the _____ _____ closes upon birth due to an increase in oxygen content in the aorta

ductus arteriosus

the oxygenation exchange of CO2 of fetal blood takes place in the maternal _____


the ____ delivers blood from the umbilical vein to the IVC, thus bypassing the liver

ductus venosus

the ______ valve directs blood entering the RA to the foramen ovale


true or false: the shunt between the Ao and the PA in the fetus is right to left


the umbilical vein after birth becomes the ligamentum _____


true or false: with birth, the lungs inflate, right atrial, RV and PA pressure decreases and the left heart pressure increases


the _____ _____ closes due to an increase in left atrial pressure

foramen ovale

the vessel that shunts fetal blood right to left between the PA and Ao is the ductus _____


in the fetal heart, fetal blood at the atrial level is shunted right to left vi the ____ _____

foramen ovale

all of the following are true statements concerning events that occur after birth except:
a. systemic pressure increases
b. pulmonary vascular resistance increases
c. right heart pressures decrease
d. foramen ovale closes


the foramen ovale loses after birth due to an increase in _____heart pressures


the ductus arteriosus closes due to an increased _____ pressure


the ductus venosus closes after birth and becomes the ligamentum ____


the umbilical artery after birth becomes the umbilical _____


the foramen ovale after birth becomes the _____ _____

fossa ovalis

the ductus arteriosus after birth becomes the _____ _____

ligamentum arteriosum