health ch 4 section 2


the ability to recover from illness, hardship, and other stressors


a skill or resource that can help a person reach a goal


to arrange items in order of importance

How can taking care of yourself help you avoid stress-related illness?

If you take care of yourself, you will be stronger and better able to handle stress.

Describe two techniques you can use to relax.

breathing exercises and tension-releasing exercises

Name eight assets for building resiliency.

support, empowerment, boundaries, productive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, social skills, and a positive identity

Describe how a positive attitude can change your response to stress.

Having a positive attitude can eliminate a lot of stress

Describe three ways to manage your time more efficiently.

List and prioritize your projects, know and set your limits, and make a schedule

Why do you think the phrase "burned out" is used to describe a person who has been under a lot of stress?

Because stress takes energy out of your body, they call it burned out - like out of energy.