Health: Chapter 25 Study Guide

schoolwork, athletic performance, friendships, family relationships, career goals

Three ways in which alcohol can negatively affect or even destroy a teen's future

impairs judgement, malnutrition, etc

Some dangers of being intoxicated

Advertising techniques

showing young people who are handsome, attractive, fit, and healthy looking, a party atmosphere with upbeat music, problem-free drinking, etc.

when a person is driving with a bac that exceeds the limit allowed by law

Legal definition of a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)

damaged liver tissue is replaced by useless scar tissue; prolonged, heavy alcohol use

What happens when a person has cirrhosis of the liver, and what is one of its primary causes?

synergistic effect

occurs when two or more medicines are taken simultaneously,

multiplier effect

alcohol combined with other drugs or medicines produces an interaction

low birth weight, impaired speech, cleft palate

Describe three defects or problems of children with fetal alcohol syndrome

alcohol poisoning, inability to control breathing, death

What are some of the dangers if binge drinking?

abuse, dependence, addiction

What are the three stages of alcoholism?

cold flashes, severe tremors, nightmares, hallucinations and having a fear of people or animals

What are some of the symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol?

alcoholics anonymous and alateen

Where can a teen alcoholic get help? Where can the teen child of an alcoholic get help?

it is very hard to control ones emotions, decisions, and behavior when they are drunk, but it takes self control to quit

What is the relationship between alcohol and self-control?

it prevents any problems that come with alcohol

For what reasons is not using alcohol the only responsible?


___ is a drug that has great potential for abuse.


Drinking is against the law for ___, and it can have serious legal consequences.

health, life, others

Drinking alcohol can be a high-risk behavior at any age, and it can damage or even ruin one's ___, one's ___, and the lives of ____.


Teens who drink alcohol do so for a ___ of reasons.

judgement, permanent

Alcohol can quickly impair a person's ___ and, over time, cause ___ and serious problems

health, safety

Being in the presence of someone under the influence can place a person's ___ and ___ in jeopardy.

pregnant, fetus

Alcohol consumed by a ___ female can damage the health of her ___ for life.

drinking, driving

___ and ___ or riding with a drinking driver is taking a foolish, unnecessary, and sometimes deadly risk.


You do not have to be an ___ to get in trouble with alcohol.


Alcoholism is a chronic disease that can be treated with total ___.


___ imposes heavy costs on the family of the alcoholic and on society.

not drinking

___ ___ is the only responsible choice.

say no

There are many effective ways to ___ ___ to alcohol.

fruits, veggies, grains

Ethanol can be made synthetically, or it can be produced naturally by fermentation of ___, ___, or ___.

water, flavoring, minerals

___, ___, and ___ are added to ethanol to form one of several beverages, including beer and wine


a drug that causes the central nervous system to slow down


The amount of alcohol needed for intoxication ___ from person.


Alcohol robs the body of its ability to absorb key nutrients and, with long-term overuse may lead to ___.


What percentage of teens nationwide have had at least 1 alcoholic drink during their lifetime?


___ of all teens who die each year die as a direct result of alcohol or other drug use


unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, dating violence, rapes, suicides, and homicides can all have ___ as a main factor

14 and 17

nearly 5 million problem drinkers in the country are between the ages of ___ and ___

reasons people drink

To escape pressures or problems, to feel better or get over being sad or lonely, to deal with stress and relax, to feel more self-confident in social situations, for excitement, because their friends are doing it, to deal with boredom, to get away with so

short term effects

___ ___ ___ of alcohol depend on the person's gender, size, and whether or not there is food in that persons stomach


depresses activity of, memory and concentration are dulled


oxidation changes the alcohol to water, carbon dioxide, and energy

blood vessels

alcohol causes them to dilate and makes one feel warm but is really putting a person at risk for hypothermia


alcohol causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and can lead lead to arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats) increases risk of heart attack and stroke


alcohol effects the pituitary gland which causes more urine to be produced and causes dehydration


alcohol is water-soluble, so it doesn't have to be digested and can be immediately be absorbed into the bloodstream


signs of being intoxicated can be shown at bac levels as low as __

costs of a dui

immediate confiscations of a driver's licence, arrest, trip to jail, court appearance, fine, possible suspension of license, possible mandatory jail sentence, cost of jail to get out of jail, higher insurance rates, possible lawsuits


students against driving drunk

long term effects of drinking

brain damage, chronic liver problems


an inflammation or infection of the liver that can cause weakness, jaundice, fever, and sometimes death


the amount of alcohol a person can take in without appearing to be intoxicated


the effects of quitting drinking


Binge drinkers are not really in trouble with alcohol because they do not drink every day.


many alcoholics appear clean, orderly, and well-groomed

traits of an alcoholic

preoccupied in one way or another with alcohol, cannot promise or predict what they will say or do or how much they will drink after the 1st one, cannot manage tension without drinking, may have personality changes or memory lapses due to drinking

domestic violence

spousal and child abuse, abuse of the elderly, marital separation and divorce


by living with a chronic alcoholic, people learn to ignore their own needs and center all of their energy around the alcoholic, lowering trust, self-esteem, and lowering that persons health


not participating in all risk behaviors , including alcohol use


400 milligrams per deciliter is ___ times the legal limit for driving under the influence


stage? Social drinking to relax or relieve stress or depression; gradually becomes necessary to manage stress; physical and psychological dependency develops; person becomes intoxicated regularly; short term memory loss and blackouts; drinker often makes


stage? person reaches a point where he or she cannot stop drinking; physically dependent; may drink alone and every day; physical and mental problems become evident; others blamed; defensive behavior evident; body has developed a tolerance; central event


stage? drinking is more important than anything else; no longer be denied; uncontrolled; hallucinations; constant companion; person becomes aggressive; malnutrition; fallen apart physically, mentally, emotionally, socially

reverse tolerance

it tales less alcohol to cause drunkenness

car crashes, falls, drownings, burns

4 leading causes of accidental death

traffic crashes, homicides, suicides

3 leading causes of death for 16 to 24 year olds