Final for health


Repeatedly subjecting a person to forceful and coercive physical, social and or psychological behavior

Child abuse and neglect

Mentally and physical injury to a child


Threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed as another person using the Internet and other forms of communication

Date rape

Rape in which the victim and the rapist were previously known to each other and may have interacted in some social appropriate manner

Elder abuse

The injury neglect of and older person physical and mentally

Sexual harassment

Behavior that may include unwanted sexual attention


Behaviors directed toward a specific person involved repeated visual or physical proximity


A colorless liquid by fermentation of sugar-containing liquid


The ability to cause cancer

Chronic bronchitis

Constant inflammation of the bronchial tubes


Alcohol induced liver disease

Drug abuse

The excessive use of drugs that has dangerous side effects

Drug misuse

The use of a drug for a purpose other than the original intent

Involuntary smokers

Nonsmokers who have to breathe air contaminated by smokers

Anaphylactic shock

A severe and sometimes fatal allergic reaction to a foreign substance that causes symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath and falling blood pressure


Inflammation caused by friction from overuse of tendons. Tissue that attach muscle to bone

Title 9

Women's rights

The average woman should consume

1800-2000 calories

A most commonly used drug by woman


Women who drink while pregnant?

Fetal alcohol syndrome

1 in 2 woman will be diagnosed with


Women who have sex at an early age are at risk at having

Cervical cancer

Who are women abused by the most

Male partner