Chapter 6


body weight that exceeds what is generally healthy for a particular height


excess accumulations of nonessential body fats

Health risks of being overweight/obese

High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol),coronary heart disease, stroke,metabolic syndrome,cancer,osteoarthritis,sleep apnea, gallbladder, fatty liver disease,pregnancy complications and fertility problems

low- density lipoprotein(LDL)

blood fats can cause unhealthy deposits on artery wall(bad cholesterol)

High- density lipoprotein(HDL)

blood fats transport cholesterol out of arteries(good cholesterol)

metabolic syndrome

group of obesity related factors, increase risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes


excess weight on joints and wears down cartilage

Sleep apnea

stop breathing for short periods of time during sleep

Gallbaldder disease

infection and inflamation if gullbladder and gullstones

energy balance

consumed food =energy expended

increase calorie consumption

consumption of added fats, oils and sugars and larger portion sizes

Differences in Basic energy needs

age, body size, body shape and body consumption and gender


Personal ability to generate heat

Basal metabolic rate(BMR)

rate at which body expends energy for basic functioning of vital organs

Resting metabolic rate(RMR)

measured when a person is awake and resting quietly

Body Mass Index(BMI)

measurement calculated from height/weight

Healthful weight

health risks are the lowest for an individual BMI between 18.5 and 24.9

underweight BMI

weight resulting in BMI below18.5

overweight BMI

weight resulting in BMI 25- 29.9

obese BMI

weight resulting in BMI of 30+

Body Consumption

measuring your % of body fat

Modify eating habits by..

track food intake,practice portion control,drink water instead of sugary drinks,use artificial sweeteners in moderation, eat whole foods as close to natural state as possible,dont rely on diet foods, choose healthful carbs and fats, change 1 habit at a ti

Physically activity helps..

reduce feeling of hunger and builds muscle


physiological sensation caused by lack of food , triggered by brain response to signals sent by digestive tract


psychological response to sight, smell, thought or taste


physical fullness, no longer a desire to eat

Low calorie diets

cutting calories, build food guidelines about calorie reduction

law carb diets

reducing carbs consumed,diets stick w/ low carb diets longer

diet pills

make your body think its full to regulate hormones that affect your desire to eat

Bariatric surgery

weight loss surgery, modify stomach

gastric banding

portioning off part of stomach with removable band

gastric bypass

permanently reducing size of stomach

how to gain weight

boost calories,eat smaller meals through out the day,add calories to meals,regular exercise to build appetite and muscles

how to maintain healthful weight

find reasons to be active, choose consistency rather than intensity, snack smart, make fruits and veggies main part of meal

Body image

persons perceptions, feelings and critiques of his/her own body

eating disorders

disturbances in food intake/appetite(anorexia, bulimia and binge eating)


extremely low body weight,body image distortion,severe calorie restriction and fear of gaining weight


binge eating followed by vomiting,laxative abuse and over exercising

binge eating

consuming large amounts of food in a short amount of time & do little to burn off calories

disordered eating

range of unhealthful eating behaviors used to deal with emotional issues

compulsive over eating

eating even when they are full

extreme dieting

dieting and weight loss become an obsession