Health chater 13


a disease-causing agent


disease outbreak that affects many people in a community or region at the same time


global epidemic of a disease


strong enough to overcome host resistance and cause disease


having an immune system that is impaired


transmit a pathogen from one part of your body to another part

routes of disease transmission

contact, foodborne or waterborne, airborne, vectorborne, and perinatal

drug resistance

occurs when microbes such as bacteria viruses or other pathogens grow and proliferate in the presence of chemicals that would normally kill them or slow their growth

hard to control risk factors

hereditary, age, environmental conditions, organism virulence

body defenses against infection

tears, specific immune response, blood and lymph, tears, saliva, respiratory tract, stomach, large intestine, urinary tract


a condition of being able to resist a particular disease by counteracting the substance that produces the disease


substance capable of triggering an immune response


substances produced by the body that are individually matched to specific antigens

humoral immunity

aspect of immunity that is mediated by antibodies secreted by white blood cells


poisonous substances produced by certain microorganisms that cause various diseases

cell-mediated immunity

aspect of immunity that is mediated by specialized white blood cells that attack pathogens and antigens directly


a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response


a type of white blood cell that ingests the foreign material

autoimmune disease

disease caused by an overactive immune response against the body's own cells


inoculation with killed or weakened pathogens or similar, less dangerous antigens, in order to prevent or lessen the effects of some disease, artificially acquired active immunity

recommended vaccines for teens

tetanus, pitheria, meningococcal vaccine, HPV vaccine series, Hep B vaccine series, measles-mumps=rubella, varicella (chickenpox) influenza, PPV, Hep A


simple, single celled microscopic organisms; about 100 known species of bacteria cause disease in humans


medicines used to kill microorganisms, such as bacteria

antibiotic resistance

the ability of bacteria or other microbes to withstand the effects of an antibiotic


a group of round bacteria, usually found in clusters that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals


the process of bacteria or some other infectious organisms establishing themselves in a host without causing infections


the state of pathogens being established in or on a host and causing disease

methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

highly resistant form of staph infection that is growing in international prevelance


a round bacteria found in chain formation


an infection that membranes surround the brain and spinal cord


inflammatory disease of the lungs characterized by chronic cough, chest pain, chills, high fever, and fluid accumulation; may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, chemicals, or other substances


a disease caused by bacterial infiltration of the repsritory system

multidrug resistant TB

form of TB that is resistant to at least two of the best antibiotics available

extensively drug resistant TB

form of TB that is resistant to nearly all existing antibiotics


a small form of bacteria that live inside other living cells


minute microbes consisting of DNA or RNA that invade a host cell and use the cell's resources to reproduce themselves

incubation period

the time between exposure to a disease and the appearance of symptoms


describing a disease that is always present to some degree


a common viral disease of the respritory tract


a viral disease in which the liver become inflamed producing symptoms such as fever, headache and possibly jaundice


a group of multicellular and unicellular organisms that obtain their food by infiltrating the bodies of other organisms both living and dead several microscopic varieties are pathogenic


microscopic single celled organisms that can be pathogenic

parasitic worms

the largest of the pathogens most of which are more a nuisance than they are a threat


a recently identified self replicating protein based pathogen


a once common viral disease that is controllable by vaccination


a viral disease that produces symptoms such as an itchy rash and high fever

sexually transmitted infection

infections transmitted through some form of intimate usually sexual contact

how many people in the us are living with sti's

110 million

how many americans live with chronic lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis

35 million


shortness of breath, usually associated with disease of the heart or lungs

chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

a collection of chronic lung diseases including emphysema and chronic bronchitis

chronic bronchitis

an inflammation and eventual scarring of the lining of the bronchial tubes


lung disease involving the gradual, irreversible destruction of the alveoli of the lungs and difficulty in breathing

extrinsic asthma

triggered by allergies run in families and develops in childhood

intrinsic asthma

triggered by anything other than allergies


hypersensitive reaction to a specific antigen in which the body produces antibodies to a normally harmless substance in the environment


an antigen that induces a hypersensitive immune response


chemical substance that dilates blood vessels, increases mucous secretions and produces other symptoms of allergies


treatment strategies based on the concept of regulating the immune system by administering antibodies or desensitizing shots of allergies


medical doc specially focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of allergies

irritable bowel syndrome

disorder of the intestines characterized by abdominal pain and abnormal bowel movements, possibly due to issues with the ability of intestines to move food through them in a normal fashion; 1 in 5 people

Crohn's disease

type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect several parts of the GI tract as well has have sig affects on other body organs and systems