Health Chapter 19

Describe each step in the path of relationships:
a) Initial Attraction:
b) Close Friendship:
c) Deep Friendship:
d) Lifelong Love:

a) Being attracted to a person and wanting to know the person better.
b) Getting to know each other's values and feelings.
c) Being supportive of each other.
d) Lifelong commitment to each other.

What are positive characteristics to look for in a potential date?

The person is unselfish, treats others well, and is tolerant and respectful.

Why is it best to avoid dating jealous people?

A jealous person would try to stop you from exploring other friendships.

What are the benefits of dating in groups?

Dating in groups helps you avoid pressures that you would face while alone with a date.

List three examples of behaviors that you should follow on a date.

Be respectful, let the date voice their opinion, and be considerate.

What types of behavior would a date have to exhibit before you decided not to go on a second date with someone?

The date didn't let you have a say in what you did, the date pressured you to have sex, or the date didn't respect your opinions.

Why should all types of sexual activity be included when talking about abstinence?

Even behaviors that cannot lead to pregnancy can lead to infection with a sexually transmitted disease; participating in forms of sexual activity other than intercourse can have emotional effects.

What is the percentage of high school-age teens who said sexual activity is unacceptable for high school-age teens?


Explain why people are more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease during their lifetime if they become sexually active at a younger age.

People who become sexually active at a younger age are more likely to have more sexual partners.

What are some of the more serious consequences of contracting a STD?

Infertility and death.

What goals can remaining sexually abstinent help teens achieve?

Teens who remain sexually abstinent can more easily focus on achieving in school and accomplishing their long-term personal, family, and career goals.

How does drinking alcohol or using drugs affect your decision making about being sexually active?

Alcohol and drugs help you lose your inhibitions and to participate in activities, such as sex, that you normally would find inappropriate.