Health chapters 5 & 6

The major components of nearly every cell that play an important role in developing and repairing bone, muscle, skin, and blood cells are


Is regularly consuming salads with high-fat dressing a good suggestion for college kids?


true or false? all dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA


what is the most commonly deficient nutrient worldwide?


Which type of carbohydrates, eaten in excess by Americans, has become a major factor in the growing epidemic of overweight and obesity?

Refined carbohydrates

Most experts believe that Americans should double their current consumption of what?

dietary fiber from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds

What is untrue about fats?

Triglycerides are the least common form of fat in foods

The MyPlate plan recommends what proportions?

1/2 fruit and vegetables
> 1/4 lean protein
< 1/4 whole grains
(eat seafood twice a week)

One way to reduce your risk of contracting a foodborne illness is to thaw frozen foods

putting It in the fridge

Which nutrients must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot produce them

COMLETE PROTEIN- essential amino acids (9 of the 20 amino acids)

Organic food

food grown without the use of pesticides, chemicals, or hormones

What is responsible for maintaining healthy skin and hair, insulating body organs, maintaining body temperature, and promoting healthy cell function


Grains in their complete form that include the bran, germ, and endosperm are known as

whole grains

True or false: People with a high percentage of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) appear to be at lower risk for developing cholesterol-clogged arteries.


Which healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in fatty fish, walnuts, and flax seeds

omega-3 fatty acids

Anemia results from the body's inability to produce adequate amounts of hemoglobin and is sometimes related to a deficiency in what nutrient?


How can strict vegans obtain adequate amounts of essential amino acids?

by eating plant products with complementary proteins that, when combined, provide a complete protein

true or false? The FDA does not evaluate the safety or efficacy of dietary supplements before they enter the market.


true or false? the increasing numbers of stores that are now selling organic food products are responsible for the increase in foodborne ilnesses?


One of the best ways to prevent consumption of excess sodium, sugar, and fat is to

avoid or limit consumption of processed or packaged foods

Essential nutrients

cannot be synthesized at all or in sufficient amounts by the human body, but are required for optimal functioning. Therefore, they must be obtained from food. Omega-3 fatty acids are prime examples.

Macronutrients: large or small quantities?


Vitamins: large or small quantities?


true or false? dehydration can develop very quickly in extreme weather conditions?


Proteins are also known as

body builders

The building blocks of protein are

amino acids

Complete or incomplete? Protein from plant sources


What is the brains primary fuel and is the only fuel used by red blood cells?


Monosaccharides and disaccharides are also called

simple sugars

Dietary fiber can only be found in what kind of foods?


saturated fats

-solid at room temperature
-typically originated from animal sources like meat and dairy products.

fat soluble

do not readily dissolve in water. If they are excessively consumed, they are stored in the body and may accumulate in toxic levels


-can serve as enzymes
-crucial for repairing muscle
-can be antibodies


-best energy source for intense expertise
-stored in limited quantities in the body mainly at glycogen


-have the most calories per gram
-cushion body organs against shock
-play a vital role in maintaing body temperature

what is required to be on the label if the food is intended for infants and children. Otherwise, it is not required.

daily percentage of protein

What two nutrients should people watch and lower their intake of to lower their risk of heart disease and other diseases?

cholesterol and sodium

After water, which are the next most abundant substances in the human body?


How much of our total body weight is water?


If you want to increase your intake of antioxidants you should eat

-dark green veggies

Recommended grams of fiber for an adult each day?

25-40 grams

true or false: dehydration is more life threatening than starvation


true or false: there is no nutritional difference between organic and non organic foods


Sulfites, salt, gluten, and coloring agents are examples of common

food additives

How many grams of added sugar do Americans consume daily on average?

110 grams

According to the National Cancer Institute, eating at least 25 grams of fiber or more per day will

reduce the risk of an early death

the purpose of fiber is to:

-bind with cholesterol for removal from the body
-strengthen digestive muscles

What type of fiber binds with cholesterol to prevent absorption, reducing blood cholesterol levels?


3 best sources of complex carbohydrates


true or false: there is no legal meaning for whole grain or the term natural


What percentage of total calories should come from fat?



stabilize free radicals


Recommended Dietary Allowances


Adequate Intake


tolerable upper intake level


Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution ranges

Digestive Process (6 steps)

1. Mouth prepares for food (mouth)
2. Food passes down esophagus (esophagus)
3. Food is broken down in the stomach (stomach)
4. Digestive activity and absorption of nutrient (liver, pancreas,small intestine)
5. Water and salts are reabsorbed into the syst


too much water


someone who eats only food grown close to home

Obesity percentage of body weight

20% or more of ideal body weight

True or false: excess weight carried in the -waist- is more threatening to health than fat in other body areas



Basal Metabolic Rate- the rate of energy expenditure of a body at complete rest that is simply maintaining its vital functions

Middle-aged adults tend to gain weight because of:

-slowed BMR
-reduced physical activity

true or false: researches believe that one of the main reasons Americans are gaiing weight is because people no longer recognize a normal serving size


During activity and at rest, which type of body tissue burns the most calories?


Food Fraud

the deliberate and intentional substitution, addition, tampering, or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients, or food packaging

How many calories must be expended to lose one pound of body fat?



A surgical procedure that involves removing fat cells from selected areas of the body

Thrifty Gene Theory

-inherited predisposition to store fat
-slower metabolism

Adaptive Thermogenesis Theory

thin people have a brain function that increases metabolic activity to compensate for increased food intake

Two hormones that researchers suspect may influence satiety and play a role in our ability to keep weight off are



obesity-related condition involving an abnormally high number of fat cells


Body mass index
-body weight relative to height
-cannot distinguish between fat and muscle

BMI below 18.5


BMi 18.5 to 24.9

normal or healthy weight

BMI 25 to 29.9


BMI 30 or higher


true or false: Digestive system cancers and a higher rate of arthritis are health consequences of overweight and obesity


Negative effects of obesity

-wound healing
-sleep apnea
-colon cancer
-heart diseases

Skin fold measurements

-asses body composition
-easy and inexpensive

What 3 places on the body do men get skin fold measurements


true or false: Research has found that there are health risks associated with how fat is distributed in the body. The -abdomen- is the area in which the fat the biggest risk to health


The most accurate and complete way to determine ideal body weight is to measure

body composition

Metabolic rates slow 1 to 2 percent a year beginning at which life stage?

Age 30

the palm of your hand can be used to visualize an appropriate serving size for which two macronutrients?



environments that promote increased food intake, unhealthy foods and physical inactiivty

Essential fat

the fat necessary for the maintenance of life and reproductive functions. Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues, and is the body's main source of stored energy

Storage Fat

the nonessential fat that many of us try to shed, makes up the remainder of our fat reserves

Underwater hydrostatic weighing

-measures amount of water a person displaces when completely submerged
-fat tissue

Bioelectric impedance analysis (B.I.A.)

sends a very low level of electrical current through a persons body
-lean body mass and fat

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (D.X.A.)

uses low level X-ray to differentiate between bone tissue, soft or lean tissue, and fat tissue

Bod Pod

Uses air displacement to measure body composition
-how much air is displaced

Trigger eating problems:

-time of day
-watching TV


Very low calorie diet
-serious health risks
-medial supervision


converting fat into energy