
6 dimensions of health include the following EXCEPT

dietary wellness

capacity to think critically is example of

intellectual wellness

best describes spiritual wellness

possession of set beliefs that give meaning to life

protecting yourself from exposure to toxic substances in the workplace is an example of


the three leading causes of death in the US are

heart disease, stroke, and cancer

US governments Healthy People reports

seek to achieve a better quality and quantity of life for all americans

approximately what percentage of Americans are not regularly physically active


innapropiate stress management can lead to all of the following EXCEPT

decreased susceptibility to diseases

excessive alcohol consumption is NOT

just a concern for older individuals

the first step in changing a health related behavior is

identifying the target behaivor

the most effective way of dealing with disease is


the three leading causes of death for young americans ages 15-24 are

accidents, homicide, suicide

in the behavioral change model, the precontemplation stage

belief that there is no need for change

the order in which the steps in a behavior change program are implemented is

monitor behavior, analyze data, set goals, devise plan, make contract

your body begins releasing endorphins, your heart rate accelerates, and your hearing and vision become more acute. You are experincing

fight or flight reaction

the term stressor is best defined as

the physical and emotional changes associated with stress

homeostasis is defined as a state in which

vital functions of the body are maintained at a normal level

the normal progression for the General Adaptation Syndrome

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

the general adaption syndrome

can either be pleasant (eustress) or unpleasant (distress)

which of the following is recommended as a time-management strategy

schedule tasks for peak efficiency

which of the following terms best fits a Type A personality


which of the following terms best fits a Type B personality


the approximate number of nutrients that have been identified as essential to human health


essential nutrients are best described as nutrients that

must be obtained from food because the body cant manufacture sufficient amounts of them

the amount of energy in the form of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water 1 degree Celsius


protein makes up all of the following EXCEPT

adipose tissue

proteins supply the body with ---- calories of energy per gram


an amino acid is

protein building block

which of the following is a source of incomplete protein


fats supply the body with --- calories of energy per gram


the major source of fuel for the body during rest and light activity is


which of the following is NOT a function of fats

form important components of blood

to control your blood cholesterol levels, the most important action you can take is to limit the amount of --- in your diet

saturated and trans fats

which of the following fats has the most health benefits


the primary function of carbohydrates is to

supply energy to body cells

the recommended daily intake of fiber for women is --- grams


the recommended daily intake of fiber for men is --- grams


all of the following are examples of fat-soluble vitamins EXCEPT vitamin


part of the total adequate daily water intake, an adult female should drink about --- cups of fluid


part of the total adequate daily water intake, an adult male should drink about --- cups of fluid


which of the following nutrients does NOT supply the body with energy


excess protein in the diet

changed into fat for energy storage

essential nutrients are produced by the body


Taking large doses of vitamins is safe and healthy


All vitamins are water soluble


a diet high in dietary fiber has been shown to combat diabetes and high cholesterol levels


Past experiences can affect behavioral responses to a particular stressor


exercise refers to physical activity that is

planned, structured, and repetitive

the latest version of the Physical Activity and Exercise Guidelines for Americans does NOT recommend

increasing the volume and intensity of exercise for additional health benefits

which of the following is NOT a component of health-related fitness


as a person's cardiorespiratory endurance increases, the

resting heart rate decreases

heart disease is linked most closely with

low cardiorespiratory fitness

muscular strength is the

amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort

older adults tend to lose muscular strength due to the muscle cells

getting smaller in size

muscular endurance is the

ability to resist fatigue and to sustain a given level of muscular tension over time

flexibility is best defined as

the ability to move their joints through a full range of motion

health body composition is best characterized by

high proportion of muscle, bone, and water and an acceptable low proportion of fat

the best way to lose bod fat is through

sensible diet and regular exercise

which of the following is NOT considered a skill related fitness component


specificity of training is best shown by which one of the following example

doing push ups to develop chest and shoulder endurance

the body adapting to a gradual increase in the amount of exercise is the definition of

progressive overload

which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the cardiorespiratory system

produce ATP

which of the following is NOT a component of the cardiorespiratory system

the brain

the portion of the circulation controlled by the right side of the heart is the --- circulation


the two upper chambers of the heart in which blood collects before passing it to the lower chambers are called


during systole the heart is


persons total blood volume is circulated about once every - seconds


a typical heart rate for a normal individual is around

60 bpm

Olympic caliber athletes may be able to increase their metabolic rate by


during digestion, most carbohydrates are broken down into


if the body's immediate need for energy is met, the remaining glucose is

converted to fat and stored in the bodys fatty tissues

adenosine triphosphate is defined as

basic form of energy used by cells

an example of an activity that primarily uses the immediate energy system is

weight lifting

the nonoxidative energy system typically provides energy for

10-120 seconds

maximal oxygen consumption is

highest rate of oxygen consumption an individual is capable of during maximum physical effort

as the result of regular endurance exercise, resting heart rate is often

10-20 beats lower

muscle fiber is

individual muscle cell

hypertrophy is defined as

increase in muscle fiber size

slow twitch muscle fibers are NOT characterized by which of the following

rapid contraction

fast twitch muscle fibers are NOT characterized by which of the following

fatigue resistance

metabolic rate increases if

fat mass decreases

what percentage of American's will have back pain in their life


which of the following is NOT a result of inactivity and aging

increase in fat-free mass

people typically begin to lose muscle mass after age


isometric exercise is best described as applying force

without a change in length of the muscle

a muscle lengthens as it contracts during

eccentric contraction

type of isotonic exercise used by athletes during training to simulate movement during sprinting or throwing is called


isokinetic exercise is best describes as applying force

at a constant speed

the MINIMUM number of training days per week for gaining strength


to gain muscular strength and endurance for general fitness, the rest interval between sets should last

3-5 minutes

for overall fitness you should include --- different exercises in your weight training program


when you are ready to increase resistance for an exercise in a weight training program, approximately how much weight should you add if you are currently lifting 100 pounds

10 pounds

Flexibility is NOT determined by


good flexibility has NOT been shown to convey

improved body composition

which of the following is NOT a benefit of flexibility

improved energy production

the American college of sports medicine recommends performing stretching exercises at least --- days per week

2 or 3

which of the following stretching programs conforms to ACSM recommendations

3 days week, 20 second stretch,4 repetitions

in improve flexibility do

2-4 repetitions

stretching technique most commonly causes injury


contracting a muscle prior to stretching is best described as

proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

type of stretching requires a partner


dynamic stretching

focuses on functionally based movements

essential component of safe passive stretching is

good communication with partner

disadvantage of active stretching is that it

may not produce sufficient stretch

stretching exercises should be performed

after a warm up or workout

what percentage beyond the normal range of motion should a person stretch in order to improve flexibility


women have a higher proportion of essential fat than men primarily because women

breasts, uterus, and other sex-specific sites

essential fat is best defined as

fat incorporated into the organs and tissues

percentage of American's obese


one possible explanation for the increase in obesity among American's over the past 40 years

increased portion size

obese people are more than three times as likely as non-obese people to develop


subcutaneous fat is located under the skin


the first step in developing a fitness plan is to

set goals

person with BMI of 26.5 is


example of a long term fitness goal would be

lowering your risk for heart disease

cardiorespiratory endurance is developed by doing activities that

continuous rhythmic movements of large muscle groups

recommend total duration for cardiorespiratory endurance

20-60 minutes

appropriate frequency for a cardiorespiratory endurance program

3-5 t

general strength training program includes

1 set of 8-12 repetitions

cycling the duration and intensity of workout is referred to


which consumer habits are good for purchasing environmentally friendly products

reduce the amount of trash and pollution you generate by consuming and throwing away less

---- is a mineral based compound which was widely used for fire protection and insulation in buildings until the late 1960s


the CDC estimats that about 435,000 children under age 6 may have unsafe levels of --- in their blood




the fiber in diet pills

acts as a bulking agent in the large intestine and not in the stomach

prescription drugs that treat obesity

are not recommended for modest weight loss

prescription weight loss drugs are usually recommended only to people with a BMI over


people with body dysemorphic disorder

are at increased risk for depression and suicide

muscle dyspmorphia is characterized by

distorted body image in which individuals see themselves as small and out of shape despite being muscular

an eating disorder characterized by a refusal to eat enough food to maintain a minimally normal body weigh is

anorexia nervous

bulimia nervosa is characterized by

alternating binge eating and purging through vomiting, laxatives, or diuretics

which of the following is most closely associated with anorexia nervosa

a belief that one is overweight even when dangerously thin

which of the following is NOT characteristic of binge eating disorder


which of the following is NOT a good strategy for a successful weight loss program

losing weight out of concern for how others view your appearance

body weight an body fat can be controlled by balancing calories consumed with calories expended in daily activities


if both parents are overweight, their children are twice as likely to be overweight as children with one overweight parent


women usually have higher metabolic rate than men


history of weight loss reduces metabolic rate


which of the following characteristics should be looked for in evaluating and selecting a diet book

advocacy of a balanced approach to diet plus exercise

which of the following books is most likely to contain valid weight management information

the physical activity and diet weight loss plan

which of the following groups is more likely to consume excess calories throughout the day

those who skip breakfast

adverse effects of ephedra do NOT include


energy density is

the number of calories per ounce or gram of weight in food

which of the following patterns of eating is best for weight management

small, frequent meals, on a regular basis

how much daily physical activity is recommended for someone who is trying to maintain weight loss

60 or more minutes

persons ongoing internal comments and discussion is called

self talk

which of the following is appropriate use of food

satisfy hunger needs

a negative energy balance of ---- calories is need to produce a one pound weight loss


average American's exercise --- minutes per day


which of the following statements about psychological and social factors in eating behavior is FALSE

changing eating patterns linked to cultural values is usually easy

example of snack low in energy density is


the greater the amount of muscle mass the

higher the resting metabolic rate

which of the following elements in the energy balance equation is under individual control

energy intake from food

hormone that is linked to obesity


sine 1983 the average daily caloric intake among Americans has increased by about


which of the following statements about genetic factors in obesity is true

genetic factors influence where on the body extra weight is added

resting metabolic rate is

the energy required to maintain vital body functions

which of the following is the largest component of metabolism

resting metabolism

metabolic rate is higher in

people who exercise on a regular basis

lifestyle factor which does NOT lead to successful weight management

emotional eating

controlling body weight is best accomplished by

balancing calories consumed with calories expended

number of premature deaths among Americans each year that can be attributed to inactivity and overweight is --- or higher


according to the National Institute of Health, about --- of American adults are overweight


weight loss of ---of body weight is enough to reduce health risks increase life expectancy in obese individuals


the collective interactions of humans with the environment and the short-term and long-term health consequences o those interactions

environmental health

the world population went from -- in 1930 to about -- today

2 billion; 6.8 billion


the rapid expansion of the population

factors that contribute to population growth do NOT include

low fertility rates

the us environmental protection agency uses a measure called the --- to indicate whether air pollution levels pose a health concern

air quality index

the air quality index is used for

carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particular matter, and ground level ozone

increase in the earths atmospheric temperature when averaged and geographical regions is due to

greenhouse warming


fossil fuels

-- is/are fragile, invisible layer of atmosphere 10-30 miles above earth

ozone layer

ozone layer of the atmosphere is being destroyed primarily by


which is NOT an indoor air pollutant

fossil fuels

which suggestion is NOT a good way to help reduce air pollution

allow the remainder of paint in the can to evaporate into the air when finished with paint

which suggestion is NOT a good way to help protect water supply

don't pour medication down the sink/toilet

biggest single component of household trash by weight is

paper products

process which organic substances are broken down naturally b living organisms
