
eating disorders stem from ______

genetic, social, and psychological problems

an isolated behavior that is the focus of you behavior change plan

target behavior

_____ control the production of proteins that serve both as the structural material for your body and as the regulators of all your body's chemical reactions and metabolic processes


If you were born in 1900, your life expectancy was approximately

47 years

optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of

emotional wellness

to help ensure success with a behavior change program, you should

develop a reward system

According to the Surgeon General's report, American adults should expend a minimum of _____ calories per day


ability to sustain a given level of muscular tension over time

muscular endurance

what does FITT stand for?

frequency, intensity, time, type

one of the easiest ways to determine appropriate endurance exercise intensity involves measuring

heart rate

the ability of the body to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high levels of intensity

cardiorespiratory endurance

______ refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body

body composition

what 4 vitamins are fat soluble?

A,D, E, and K

how much do Americans spend on weight-loss products and programs?

$40 billion

what is the purpose of proteins in the body?

they make up the cells in the body

how many calories per gram do carbs, alcohol, fat, and protein have?

alcohol- 7
protein- 4
fat- 9

what percent of Americans are severely obese with a BMI of 40 or greater?


true or false: the human body manufactures most of the vitamins it requires and does not need to get them from foods


what are the 3 indicators of weight related health risks?

BMI, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio

how many essential amino acids are there?


being sound in body, mind, and spirit


a deliberate lifestyle choice. optimal health and vitality


what are the six dimensions of wellness?

physical- biological balance
emotional (psychological)- mental and psychological soundness
intellectual- continued learning
spiritual- understanding of being
interpersonal and social- a connection with others
environmental and planetary- capability to cre

what are the two goals for healthy people 2010?

1. increase quality and years of healthy life
2. eliminate health disparities among Americans

what are the five health disparities in diverse populations?

1. sex and gender
2. ethnicity
3. income and education
4. disability
5. geographic location

4 factors that influence wellness habits
2. heredity/family history
3. environment
4. access to health care

4 key components of the trans theoretical model of change

1. stages of change
2. processes of change
3. self-efficacy
4. decisional balance

what are the six stages of change?

1.precontemplation- whether or not they are aware of a problem
2.contemplation- aware they have a problem. considering change within 6 months
3. preparation- intend to change, plan
4. action- modifying behavior according to plan
5. maintenance- avoided re

set of physical attributes that allows the body to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort

physical fitness

5 components of fitness:

1. cardiorespiratory endurance
2. muscular strength
3. muscular endurance
4. flexibility
5. body composition

6 benefits of exercise:

1. improved cardiorespiratory function
2. more efficient metabolism
3. improved body composition
4. improved immune function
5. prevention of injuries and low-back pain
6. improved wellness over the life span

what is reversibility?

use it or lose it

what is the overload principle?

produce greater demands/stress than usual on the body

any activity in which the amount of oxygen taken into the body is more than or equal to the amount used by the body


amount of oxygen taken into the body cannot meet the demands of the activity


what are the 4 types of flexibility exercises?

1. static- maintain stretch position
2. ballistic- (bouncing) during stretch
3. active- stretch by opposing muscle
4. passive- you, partner, weight, or gravity provide resistance

what does RICE stand for?

elevation (above heart)

the science of food, the nutrients, and the substances therein
the action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease
the process by which one ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes, and excretes food substances
the study of nutri


what are the 6 essential nutrients? which are macro and which are micro?

macro- carbs, fat, protein
micro- vitamins, minerals, water

main source of fuel for the body


carbs that contain one or two sugar units. require little digestion, include natural and added sugars

simple carbohydrates
ex. soda, honey, cookies

carbs that containmultiple sugar units.
require more digestion, include foods that contain fiber

complex carbohydrates
ex. whole grains, fruits, vegetables

non-digestible form of complex carbs
found in plant-based products
adds bulk to feces, assist in elimination
decreases time that material remains in GI tract
helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
how much is recommended for males and

males: 38 g/day
females: 25 g/day

forms muscle, bone, blood, enzymes, hormones, and cell membrance


most concentrated source of energy
stores energy and provides insulation and support for body organs
consists of oils and fats
absorbs fat soluble vitamins

fats (lipids)

bad fat and solid at room temp. examples

saturated fat
ex. meats, dairy, butter, coconut, and chocolate

healthy fat and liquid at room temp. examples

unsaturated fat
ex. veg. oils, avacado, nuts, seeds, peanut butter

inorganic compounds that always retain their chemical identity
helps regulate body functions, aid in growth, maintenance of body tissues and a catalyst for energy release


essential for body temp regulation
transportation of nutrients and waste in the body
cushion and lubricant
maintenance of blood volume

males: 15 cups/day
females: 11 cups/day