Health: First Aid Review 9/4/14

What does CAB stand for?


What's the most important thing you can do in the event of an emergency?

Call 9-1-1 or your local EMS

When should you stop providing care (CPR, chest compression, ect, in the event of an emergency)

If you get tired
If the Ambulance or other help arrives
The person no longer needs help
The situation becomes dangerous for you
Someone else takes over

How long are you expected to attempt to revive someone with CPR?

20 minutes

What are the 3 Cs of CPR?


What is a fracture?

Break, chip, or crack in a bone

What are the warning signs of a fracture?

Pain, swelling, discomfort, dis-figuration, x-ray

How do you care for a fracture?

Ice, possible sling, limited movement, buddy tape (fingers/toes)

What is a dislocation?

Movement of ball or joint away from it's normal position

What are common joints to dislocate?

Hip, elbow, shoulder, fingers, toes

What are the warning signs of a dislocation?

Pain, dis-figuration, swelling

How do you care for a dislocation?

Ice, immobilize, call 9-1-1 for serious cases

What's the difference between a sprain and a strain?

Sprain: Stretching or tearing of ligaments (ankle, knee, wrist, fingers)
Strain: Overstretching or overextending of tendons (often called "pulled a muscle") (back, and neck)

What do tendons connect?


What do ligaments connect?


What does RICE stand for?


What are the 3 types of splints

Anatomical splints, soft splints, rigid splint

What is an example of an anatomical splint?

Buddy taped fingers/toes

What is an example of a soft splint?

Wrap a towel/blanket around foot and tie tight (think: cushioned)

What is an example of a rigid splint?

Wrist tied to a board

What are the four types of poisoning?

Ingestion (cleaning fluids, food poisoning, ect)
Inhalation (carbon monoxide, radon)
Absorption (poison ivy, frogs)
Injections (snakes, spiders, scorpions, jelly fish)

What are the causes of burns?

Heat, chemical, electrical currents

What are the 3 types of burns?

First Degree- sun burn, rug burn- heals fast, burns top layer of skin
Second Degree- large blisters- penetrates deeper
Third Degree- destroys all layers of skin and possibly underlying structure, possibly painless... because it burns through nerves

How do you care for burns?

Stop the burn, cool the burn (EASE IN TO THE COOL), cover the burn (to prevent infection)

True or false: bleeding usually looks worse than it is


How do you care for a bleeding injury?

Apply direct pressure and elevate