Health - Unit 3 - Fitness

overload principle

Works the body harder than its normally worked

progression principle

gradual increase in overload to avoid injury

specificity principle

particular exercises and activities improve particular areas of health-related fitness

individual differences principle

We are all unique and will have a slightly different response to an exercise program

Adaptation Principle

Body's ability to adjust to increased or decreased physical demands

use and disuse principle

loss of muscle if not used

FITT principle

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type


How often you do the activity each week


How hard you work at the activity; measured by heart rate (objective) and RPE (subjective)


How long you devote to a section


Which activity you select


The burning of energy to use as fuel (subaerobic, aerobic, and anaerobic)

Subaerobic, aerobic, and anaerobic metabolism

When we work out, we metabolize energy in 3 ways...


Fuel source for subaerobic exercise

Body fat

Fuel source for aerobic exercise

Glycogen, some body fat

Fuel source for anaerobic exercise


Light activity, not difficult, normal activity


With oxygen" (use oxygen to unlock body fat), rhythmic, uses large muscle groups, maintained continuously for at least 10 min. 3x/day or for 20-30 mins once; jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, jump rope


Without oxygen", intense short bursts of activity, muscles work so hard they produce energy without oxygen, can's sustain longer than 2 mins; sprinting, weight lifting

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not active; use 2 fingers on wrist or neck and count the amount of times your heart beats in 1 minute


Average RHR should be ___ BPM

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)

The number that represents the fastest your heart can beat for 1 minute


Formula for determining MHR

Target Heart Range (THR)

The range of your heart rate that guides you to the proper intensity level for aerobic metabolism

60-85% of MHR

Formula for determining THR

Aerobic, THR

During ____ exercise your heart rate should be in the ___.

Guess what type of exercise your doing based on your heart rate

The Rate of Perceived Exertion chart allows you to...

Physical activity

Ant form of movement that causes your body to use energy

lifestyle activities

Normal part of your daily routine

Sport/exercise activities

Involve competition or planned exercise

Physical fitness

The ability to carry out daily tasks and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands

body composition

Physical fitness is important in the improvement of an individuals ____ not for cosmetic purposes.

sedentary lifestyle

a way of life that involves little physical activity

150 mins of mediocre intensity aerobic exercise per week with 2 days of strengthening of all muscle groups

CDC Adult Guidelines

60 mins of physical activity a day including 3 days of muscle and bone strengthening, 3 days of vigorous activity

CDC Children and adolescents Guidelines

49%, 20.9%

____ of adults get the CDC recommendation for exercise, only ____ have the balance of types.



Blood vessels


cardiorespiratory endurance

Cardiovascular is sometimes refers to as...


Lungs and other organs involved in breathing and oxygen exchange

Cardiovascular Endurance

The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to efficiently supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body during long periods of moderate-vigorous activity

During aerobic exercise the muscles need more oxygen-rich blood to perform

improve cardiovascular endurance

Heart beats faster, increasing breathing, system becomes more efficient as you train, decreasing RHR, exercise becomes easier as endurance increases

If your cardiovascular endurance is good your...

VO2 MAX test, mile walk-run as fast as possible, pacer test

Cardiovascular endurance test

Muscular Strength

The amount of force a muscle can exert

Resistance training; lower reps, higher weight

Improve Muscle strength

One rep max lift

Test Muscle strength

Muscular Endurance

the ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over a period of time without becoming fatigued

curl-up test, push-up test

Test muscular endurance

Resistance training; lower weight, higher reps

Improve muscular endurance

Body composition

the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water, and connective tissue such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons

Hydrostatic/air displacement (most accurate/expensive), skinfold calipers/bioelectrical impendance, BMI (not very accurate)

Test body composition

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Estimated measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adults, muscles aren't considered; may overestimate body fat in athletes with muscle and underestimate body fat in older people with lost muscle

Aerobic activity (burn body fat), resistance training (increase muscle mass to burn more calories at rest), diet (proper balance, variety, and moderation)

Improve body composition (if your trying to lose weight do this)


The ability to move your body parts through their full range of motion

back saver sit and reach test and shoulder stretch

Test flexibility

Daily stretching routines

Improve flexibility

1. Enhanced muscle mass and reduced body fat levels
2. Increased resting metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass
3. Lowered blood pressure and cholesterol levels
4. Lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, advanced osteoporosis and other common chronic dis

9 Benefits of exercise

Storage fat

body fat that is not essential but does provide energy, insulation, and padding; just under skin; 12-15% body weight

essential body fat

Necessary for life and reproductive function; 13% body weight for women and 3% for men

Fractures, loss of reproductive function, shrinkage of internal organs, damage to other body systems as well

Dangers of extremely low body fat

Lean muscle mass through routine strength training, a healthy, low fat, balanced diet, and consistent sleep patterns

Managing body fat requires maintaining...

Subjective method in measuring intensity

RPE scale, 1-10 intensity levels

Objective method in measuring intensity

Taking your heart-rate