health mid term

Having enough energy to go to school and being able to carry out everyday tasks without becoming overly tired are signs of good
a.mental health
b.emotional health health
d.physical health

physical health

How well you get along with others is called health
b.emotional health
c.mental health
d.physical health

social health

which of these is a sign of wellness?
a.enthusiasm for life
b.isolation from others
c.low energy level
d.frequent aches and pains

Enthusiasm for life

you are most likely to move towards the wellness end of the health continuum if you decide to
a.get little sleep
b. wear a helmet while bicycling
c.smoke cigarettes
d. isolate yourself from others

wear a helmet for bicycling

one risk factor you CANNOT control is your
a.choice of friends
b. level of physical activity
c. skin color
b. intake of fat, sugar, or salt

skin color

a series of specific steps you can take to achieve a goal is known as an
a. action plan
b. value
c. health habit
d. risk factor

action plan

if you have good mental health_
a.your mind is alert
b. you never make a mistake
c. your body functions well
d. your feelings are appropriate to events

your mind is alert

which is part of your social environment?
a. air quality
b. noise levels
c. video games
d. family members

family members

which is NOT a category of risk factors?
b. environmental
c. behavioral
d. physical


which of the following is a friend affecting your wellness?
a. a friend gossiping about you
b. a friend helping you through a difficult time
c. a friend compliments you
d. all of the above


which is and example of a behavioral risk factor?
a. loud noises
b. texting and driving
c. high blood pressure
d. all of the above

texting and driving

which is an example of a hereditary risk factor?
a.muscular dystrophy
b. air population
c. radio played too loud
d. not wearing a seat belt

muscular dystrophy

true or false; Gender can influence your health because risk factors vary between males and females


true or false; your health is affected by your social environment, which includes both the air you breathe and the friends you have


true or false; you can control risk factors that are related to your behavior


True or false; the leading causes of death among young people are related to heredity


why has life expectancy changed over the years in the united states?
a.better health care
b. better nutrition
c. better sanitation
d. better working conditions

better health care

what factors influence a persons health?
b. environment
d. the friends a person has

heredity and enviorment

overall well being of body,mind, relationships, and spirituality


result a person aims for and works hard to reach


beliefs and behaviors shared by a group of people


standards and beliefs that are are most important to you


series of steps you take achieve a goal

action plan

Most people who become addicted to tobacco start using it______

during their teens

Tobacco that is chewed, placed between the lower lip and teeth, or sniffed through the nose is known as____

smokeless tobacco

which of the following is a short-term effect of nicotine?

increased blood pressure

The sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns is known as_____


Which tobacco products are safe?


Janine smokes and has a hard time breathing because her airways are constantly inflamed and full of mucus. What condition does Janine have?

chronic bronchitis

the smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker is called___

mainstream smoke

Sidestream smoke is smoke that_______

goes into the air directly from a cigarette

tobacco smoke has what effect on babies?

increases a baby's heart rate

The tobacco user who quits can expect_____

many immediate and long-term benefits

the most important factor in successfully quitting tobacco is ________

a strong personal commitment

which of the following is a poisonous, colorless, oderless gas found in cigarette smoke?

carbon monoxide

which of the following is a drug that speeds up the CNS, heart, and other organs in the body?


smokers trying to quit smoking suffer from which of the following?
-psychological withdrawals
-all of the above

all of the above

which of the following is NOT caused by smoking?
a. tooth decay
b. cirrhosis
c. lung cancer
d. early aging of the skin


which of the following does nicotine cause to happen to the body ?
a. heart beat faster temperature to decrease
c. blood pressure to rise
d. all of the above


smokeless tobacco is more likely to cause which of the following?
a. lung cancer
b. oral cancer
d. chronic bronchitis


what is a breathing disorder in which the small air sacks in the lungs lose their ability to expand and contract?


why is it so difficult for smokers to quit smoking?

nicotine addiction, psychological dependence, physical withdrawals

true or false; using smokeless tobacco products is safe because no smoke is produced or inhaled


true or false; Leukoplakia is a white, leathery patch or sore goin in the mouth which can become cancer


true or false; emphysema can be reversed


true or false; chemicals in tobacco force the heart to work harder to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body causing cardiovascular disease


true or false; nicotine causes the blood pressure to decrease in a smoker


true or false; nicotine is one of the strongest poisons known


true or false; a person that quits smoking will improve their health within months and benefit greatly from quitting smoking


true or false; in frequent users of tobacco, nicotine stimulates the area of the brain that produces feelings of reward and pleasure


true or false; smokeless tobacco contains none of the same dangerous chemicals that are in tobacco smoke


true or false; sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine as mainstream smoke


true or false; studies show that people who start using tobacco in their teens have a less difficult time quitting than people who start using tobacco as adults


true or false; some people have found that quitting tobacco gradually, called going "cold turkey" worked for them


which of the following is an example of drug abuse?
a. forgetting to take cough medicine with proper foods
b. deliberately taking cough syrup for purposes other than treating a couch
c. mistakenly taking more cough syrup than is recommended to treat a cou


one example of drug misuse is

not taking an over the counter drug for the correct period of time

the extra dopamine released during the drug use can

lead to intense cravings for the drug when it is not available

which teen has the LEAST risk for abusing drugs?

Malik has a good relationship with his mother and father

Which teen has the greatest risk for abusing drugs?

Jayson's girlfriend just broke up with him, but he acts like nothing happened.

what action is LEAST helpful for a friend who abuses drugs?

Judging your friend

which of the following statements about marijuana is true ?

marijuana use makes driving a car extremely dangerous

which of the following is a sign of possible drug abuse?

major changes in behavior or personality

if a person is offering you drugs continues to pressure you, the best thing to do is_____

remove yourself from the situation

true or false; one protective factor for teen drug abuse is poor family relationships


true or false; when a drug is intentionally used improperly or unsafely, it is known as drug misuse


true or false; USD, psilocybin, and PCP are examples of hallucinogens


true or false; club drugs got their name from the fact that they first gained popularity at dance clubs and raves


what are drugs called that are illegal and have no medical use


what are drugs called that dull the senses, relive pain, and induce sleep?


what is a short-acting and highly addictive stimulant called ?


what is a synthetic drug that resembles the male hormone testosterone called ?

anabolic steroid