health chapter 1


combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being (dynamic & subject to change)


a state of well-being that comes from understanding the relationship between the physical, mental/emotional, social health throughout adulthood


an overall state of well-being, or total health

health continuum

shows your health on a sliding scale,with many degrees of health and wellness.


practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury

health education

the providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices

goal of health education

to show people the relationship of healthful living to their quality of life

what is the health triangle?

the three elements of health; physical, mental/emotional, & social

physical health

has to do with how well your body functions

mental/emotional health

has t odo wtih your feelings about yourself, how well you meet the demands of daily life & your ability to process information -> how you think, how you feel, what you believe

social health

has to do with how well you get along with others

what are the influences on your health?

heredity, environment, (physical, social), culture, attitude, behavior, peers, media &technology

part of becoming an adult is?

learning how to make responsible decisions

risk behaviors

actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others

cumulative risks

related risks that increase in effect with each added risk


avoiding harmful behaviors (tobacco, alcohol, other drugs & sexual activity before marriage)

life expectancy

how long you are expected to live your life


the various methods of communicating information


an action that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others


being careful before doing something potentially risky


people of the same age who share similar interests


sum of your surroundings (family, neighborhood, school, job & life experiences)


the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.

decision making

choices that an individual makes than can affect your health

a health literate individual needs to be?

informed and be able to understand health literacy and why it's important

why is health education important?

it affects the way you live your life & others around you

how could the influences on your health affect your overall health?

if your health is not balanced, it creates change/conflicts in your overall health