Unit 4 vocabulary

Fad Diet

weight-loss plans that are popular for only a short time.


nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues

dietary fiber

indigestible complex carbohydrate


starches and sugars found in foods




a type of fat produced by the liver and found in the blood.

trans fat

unsaturated fatty acid believed to raise blood cholesterol levels

saturated fat

bad fat usually solid at room temperature


type of lipid, a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water


units of heat that measure energy. They supply energy that foods supply to the body

serving size

recommended portion of food to be eaten


the movement of blood through the vessels of the body induced by the pumping of the heart.


a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them.

heart rate

The number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute.

high blood pressure

the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood.


protein food group


sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds and can be eaten as food


edible plant or part of a plant but usually excludes seeds and most sweet fruit.


any food made from wheat, rice, oats etc.


having an excess amount of body fat

eating disorder

extreme harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness

anorexia nervosa

severe weight loss and starvation

body composition

ratio of body fat to lean body tissue

aerobic exercise

at least 10 minutes 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes and targets large muscle groups

anerobic exercise

intense short bursts of activity in which muscles work so hard that they produce energy without oxygen


Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type


Rest, Ice. Compression, Elevation


website for nutrition

bulimia nervosa

purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating

binge eating disorder

compulsive overeating


body cannot manufacture but are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth

physical activity

any form of movement that causes your body to use energy

physical fitness

ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands.

sedentary lifestyle

very little activity


decrease in bone density


body gets energy from food

cardio-respiratory endurance

sends fuel and oxygen to the body's tissues during long periods of moderate-to vigorous activity

muscular strength

force of a muscle can exert

muscular endurance

muscles can perform over extended period without becoming fatigued


body part can do full range of motion


body mass index

Dietary supplements

nonfood form of one or more nutrients


compounds that help regulate many vital body processes