Health Chapter 2 Quiz

the group of body parts that transports the blood throughout the body to keep the body functioning properly

Define circulatory system.

a disease where certain arteries become hardened and obstructed, eventually limiting or stopping the flow of blood to certain organs of the body

Define arteriosclerosis.

the group of passages that exchanges gases in order for the body to function properly

Define respiratory system.

a swelling and inflammation of the bronchi

Define bronchitis.

the combination of your joints and connecting tissues

Define skeletal system.


inflammation of a joint or joints

muscular system

the group of tissues that makes body parts move

digestive system

the organs that take in food and break it down into a chemical form that can be absorbed by the body


an open sore in the membrane lining of the stomach and small intestine

excretory system

the way waste is excreted from the body

to cleanse blood of impurities and regulate water and electrolytes in the body

What are the two jobs of the kidneys?

You can take out some of your blood and put it away for if you ever need it. You could do this if you are having surgery in case there are complications and you need blood but you don't want someone else's blood that could be contaminated.

How can a person give him or herself a blood transfusion? Why might someone consider doing this procedure?

Inspiration is the action of inhaling oxygen and it being carried to the heart. Expiration is the action of carbon dioxide being carried out of the body.

Explain the meaning of the terms inspiration and expiration in terms of breathing.

The skeletal system provides support and protection for the body just like any other framework does.

Explain how the skeletal system is like the framework for your body.

With every movement of a muscle there is another muscle working as well. When shooting a basketball, as you bring the ball into shooting position your bicep shortens and your tricep lengthens. When you shoot the ball, your bicep lengthens and your tricep

Explain the following principle as it relates to the muscles in the body, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Give an example.

Cost of buying cigarettes, causes cancer, addictive, makes clothes smell bad, not cool

A good friend has begun to smoke. Give 5 reasons why they should stop.

the group of body parts that transports the blood throughout the body to keep the body functioning properly

Define circulatory system.

a disease where certain arteries become hardened and obstructed, eventually limiting or stopping the flow of blood to certain organs of the body

Define arteriosclerosis.

the group of passages that exchanges gases in order for the body to function properly

Define respiratory system.

a swelling and inflammation of the bronchi

Define bronchitis.

the combination of your joints and connecting tissues

Define skeletal system.


inflammation of a joint or joints

muscular system

the group of tissues that makes body parts move

digestive system

the organs that take in food and break it down into a chemical form that can be absorbed by the body


an open sore in the membrane lining of the stomach and small intestine

excretory system

the way waste is excreted from the body

to cleanse blood of impurities and regulate water and electrolytes in the body

What are the two jobs of the kidneys?

You can take out some of your blood and put it away for if you ever need it. You could do this if you are having surgery in case there are complications and you need blood but you don't want someone else's blood that could be contaminated.

How can a person give him or herself a blood transfusion? Why might someone consider doing this procedure?

Inspiration is the action of inhaling oxygen and it being carried to the heart. Expiration is the action of carbon dioxide being carried out of the body.

Explain the meaning of the terms inspiration and expiration in terms of breathing.

The skeletal system provides support and protection for the body just like any other framework does.

Explain how the skeletal system is like the framework for your body.

With every movement of a muscle there is another muscle working as well. When shooting a basketball, as you bring the ball into shooting position your bicep shortens and your tricep lengthens. When you shoot the ball, your bicep lengthens and your tricep

Explain the following principle as it relates to the muscles in the body, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Give an example.

Cost of buying cigarettes, causes cancer, addictive, makes clothes smell bad, not cool

A good friend has begun to smoke. Give 5 reasons why they should stop.