Health Summer School Course

What is the condition called when a bone slips from its normal position at a joint?


When quitting smoking, list 3 stress-management techniques that can be used.

1. Get Support
2. Replace tobacco with healthier alternatives
3. Change daily behavior

List the main features of the mature male reproductive system

The production and storage of sperm, and the transfer of sperm to the female's body during sexual intercourse

What is external respiration?

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body cells

What non-communicable disease is responsible for more than 40% of all deaths in the United States each year?

Heart Attack

The thyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands are all part of which body system?

Endocrine system

List 3 precautions that people with a family history of hypertension need to take.

1. Proper medical screening
2. Practice preventative strategies
3. Maintain healthful weight

Describe saturated fatty acids

Holds the hydrogen atoms it can. Usually solid at room temperature. High intake of saturated fats can increase risk of heart disease.

The symptoms of disorientation and loss of motor control can result from which temperature-related condition?


The structure of the lungs can be compared to the structure of a branching tree. Which part would correspond to the trunk of the tree?

The trachea

Which category of food do fats belong?


Describe the importance of the nine essential amino acids. Where are they found?

9 amino acides are called essential acids. They are important because the body guides new cells and tissues from the amino acids. It replaces damaged or warn-out cells by making new ones. They are found in food.

What is a compound fracture?

The broken end of the bone protrudes through the skin

Are hallucinogens even used in a medical capacity?

Hallucinogens are not used in a medicinal capacity

Name 3 factors that influence the onset and severity of the short-term effects of drinking?

1. Peer pressure
2. Family
3. Media messages

List 3 factors that can help prevent high blood pressure

1. Medication
2. Weight management
3. Proper Nutrition

List 3 possible consequences of smoking while pregnant

1. Impaired fetal growth
2. miscarriage
3. low birth weight

What type/classification of bone is the shoulder blade?

Flat bone

Name 3 functions of bones in the human body?

1. Living structure for the body
2. Provides strong framework for the muscles to work
3. Protects tissues and organs from trauma

What structures communicate with and are found between other neurons?

Messages are transmitted to and from the spinal cord and brain.

List the dangers for people who use smokless tobacco

1. 2 to 3 times more nicotine & carcinogens than cigarettes
3. Irritates mouth tissues
4. Cancer of throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas

What can cause the EIA to give inaccurate results?

Having medical conditions or testing too soon after acquiring HIV

Which nuturient makes up the greatest percentage of the human body?


What is the greatest factor that puts a female at risk for sterility?

Being sexually active. Catching STD

Describe the function of the pituitary gland

Controls metabolism, sexual development, and emotional responses

List the food groups as found on the food pyramid

1. Fats, oils, and sweets
2. milk, yogurt, and cheese
3. meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts
4. Vegetables
5. Fruits
6. Bread, cereal, rice, and pasta

List 3 consequences that teens who smoke will experience

1. Legal
2. Social
3. Financial

List 3 short-term effects of alcohol use

1. Brain less able to control body
2. Judgement altered
3. Increase urine output: dehydration

List 3 dangers that can occur as a consequence of anabolic steroid use

1. Increase risk of cancer and heart disease
2. sterility
3. skin problems and hair loss

Why do you always need to start your exercise program with a warm up?

it prepares your body for a work out. Warming allows your pulse rate to increase gradually.

What term describes drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting?

Binge drinking

List the ways that HIV can be transmitted from person to person

1. Sexual intercourse
2. sharing needles
3. mother to baby

Why is tar contained in tobacco somke harmful to the lungs?

Tar damages the alveoli and destroys lung tissue

What term is given to the condition in which liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue?


Describe the term syngergistic effect

Interaction of 2 or more medicines that result in a greater effect than when the medicines are taken alone. One medicine increases strength of the other. One medicine may boost the rate of digestion enabling a second medicine to be absorbed faster.

Which term refers to a partial tearing of a muscle?


List 3 consequences of nicotine use and addiction

1. Raises blood pressure
2. increases heart rate
3. contributes ot heart disease and stroke

What is the main function of red blood cells?

Transport oxygen to the cells and tissues in the body

Nicotine gum is an over-the-counter product that is used as a nicotine__________________


List the health consequence of HPV

STD related to an increased incidence of cervical cancer. It can also cause cancer to the penis and anus

List the symptoms of emphysema

1. difficulty breathing
2. chronic cough
3. eventually lungs cease to function

What is the consequence of the swelling of the psinal cord fomr a head and spinal injury?

Can result in temporary loss of nerve function. If not treated, can lead to permanent nerve damage.

Describe the function and interactions that are essential to allow breathing to occur

When you inhale, your lungs expand and the pressure inside them becomes lower than the pressure outside your body. Air naturally flows into your lungs to equalize the pressure. When you exhale, the muscles relax and the volume of your chest cavity decreas

Which gland increases heartbeat and respiration during periods of high emotion?

Adrenal glands

List the components of the lymphatic system

Tonsils, thymus gland, lymphatic duct, lymphatic vessel, spleen, lymphatic node.

True or False Lifestyle choices can reduce your risk of cancer. choices can reduce your risk of cancer

What occurs in the body of an individual who has diabetes?

Pancreas produces little or no insulin. This is how glucose enters the body. If glucose can't convert into energy, it builds up in the blood and cells don't get what htey need to function

List 3 long-term effects of alcohol use

Changes to the brain
Cardiovascular changes
Liver problems

What term describes a cancer that affects the blood-forming organs?


List the symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Mental confusion
slow respiration
irregular heartbeat
severe dehydration