Health Test 2/22/17

The brain is a complex communication network consisting of __________ (number) of neurons or nerve cells.


The nerve networks control everything we __________ , __________ , and __________.

feel; think; do

nerve cells that send and receive messages


chemical messengers that connect receptors to neurons through a synapse connection


receive messages from neurotransmitters and send appropriate message


shuts off signal of neurons and pulls back transmitters


The __________ side of the brain deals with these functions:
1. Logical
2. Analytical
3. Attentive
4. Objective
5. Rationale


The __________ side of the brain deals with these functions:
1. Driven by feeling, beliefs
2. Imaginative
3. Creative
4. Impulsive
5. Process visually
6. Intuitive


What age is the brain fully mature and developed?


What part of the brain is the last to develop?

front part

Why is the cerebellum important?

physical activity, coordination, interest in recreational activities

Why is the prefrontal cortex important?

reasoning and controlling behavior

part of the brain that assists in motor control and cognitive activities, such as planning, making decisions, setting goals, and relating the present to the future through purposeful behavior

frontal lobe

part of the brain associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli

parietal lobe

part of the brain associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech

temporal lobe

part of the brain associated with visual processing

occipitale lobe

made of a bundle of nerves running up and down the spine, is similar to a superhighway, speeding messages to and from the brain at every second

spinal cord

part of the brain that coordinates body movements, controls posture, and maintains equilibrium


What hormone is increased in the brain when someone feels pleasure? What behaviors increase the hormone?

Dopamine. When something is good for our survival.

unnecessary use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes

Substance abuse

physiological and psychological dependence


the need to increase the use of the drug to get the same effect


body's response to not having a certain drug or medication


Type Effects on the body
1. Stimulant - (speeds up/slows down) body processes)
2. Depressant - (speeds up/slows down) body processes)
3. Narcotic/Opioid - (pain reliever/mind-altering substance)
4. Hallucinogen - (pain reliever/mind-altering substance)

1. speeds up
2. slows down
3. pain reliever
4. mind-altering substance

1. Highly addictive drug derived from __________
2. (Stimulant/Depressant/Narcotic/Hallucinogen)
3. Addiction can occur with __________ (number) use(s)
4. Can start with __________ (type of drug) use

1. morphine
2. Narcotic
3. one
4. prescription painkillers

Type of Drug: __________
1. __________ - androgenic steroids- synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone testosterone
2. prescription to cure chronic disease
3. recreation use as athletic performance enhancement
4. cause mood swings, im

1. anabolic

Type of Drug: ________
1. Club drug, Date rape drug
2. Depressant - (number) __________x as strong as painkillers
3. Dissolve in beverages and is odorless
4. Victims will recover with no recollection of previous hours

2. 10

This type of drug has caused 3,000 overdose deaths in the last 5 years and Chesterfield, Henrico, and Richmond rank among the top 5 in overdose deaths in the state.


Marijuana has been legalized in Colorado for over __________ years


All marijuana plants in the state of Colorado (are/are not) tagged and (heavily/weakly) regulated.

are; heavily

Marijuana (has/has not) increased jobs in the state of Colorado.


In Colorado, how many ounces can an over 21 adult possess?

1 ounce

In Colorado, marijuana has increased tax revenue by __________ million.


About what fraction of tax revenue is allocated to youth education and drug prevention efforts?


Colorado (forces/allows) business to deal in (cash/credit/both) when buying marijuana.

forces; cash

True/False: Marijuana sellers/manufacturers can be shut down at any time


botanical term for the hemp plant

cannabis sativa

sticky substance that is found on the leaves that contain THC


psychoactive ingredient (mind altering)

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

chemical compound extracted in medical marijuana

Cannabidiol (CBD)

First evidence of marijuana existence in __________ (language) writings of 5 thousand years ago


As of the year __________ , marijuana was used as a medicine in the U.S.


As of the __________'s, marijuana started to become more used


As of the _________'s, federal and state regulations for marijuana were enacted.
